
Dear Prep Families,
Thank you for your ongoing support throughout the year. It has been an absolute honour to teach and get to know each student. I have truly enjoyed watching them grow, grasping math concepts, writing simple words and sentences, and forming positive friendships with their peers.
Each day, I am inspired by their love for learning, inquisitive minds, and curious questions. Witnessing their progress and enthusiasm has been a joy, and I am excited to see them continue to thrive as Year One's next year.
Wishing you and your families a peaceful and joyful festive season.
Warm regards,
Miss Melanie
In Maths, the Preps have been working on adding numbers together and then comparing and identifying the largest number. They have also been solving open-ended problems using a variety of addition strategies and confidently explaining their thinking to their peers.
Floating Goats in Boats
During Inquiry this term, the students listened to the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff and then explored, investigated, and experimented with the properties of various materials. Working together in small groups, they created a billy goat using playdough and designed a boat to float their goat. Next, they constructed a boat from aluminium foil and tested whether it would float with their goat inside. Before the experiment, each student predicted the outcome: would the boat sink or float? The experiment sparked rich discussions and questions about why some objects sink while others float, what "waterproof" means, and why certain materials are waterproof while others are not.
Prep Mass
On Tuesday, the Prep students led the Saint Francis Xavier celebration Mass. The students who participated spoke confidently, clearly, and respectfully presented the Offertory gifts to Fr. Jude. They also sang their favourite songs, These Hands and God is Good. Thank you, Preps, for being such wonderful role models for our school community!