5/6 WG

Wow we can’t believe we are almost at the end of the year! It has been an absolute pleasure to teach each and every one of our students and we have loved watching them grow over the year! Thank you for a fabulous year in 5/6WG! Basketball / Soccer Clinic
We have been very lucky to participate in a range of sports this term! It has been fantastic to see the students develop their skills! We have our final session next Monday with the Frankston Blues coaches.
We have been celebrating each Sunday of Advent with whole school prayer on a Wednesday morning, followed by activities that are representative of Hope (first Sunday) and Peace (second Sunday). For Hope, our class drew what hope meant to them and we put it up on our classroom wall. For Peace, we made doves and wrote what peace meant and how we can use peace in our school community to make it a better place.
We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
From Mr Will, Miss Georgia and Miss Karen