Classroom & Curriculum News

Royal Botanical gardens and Prep fun day!!!
On Friday the 1st of November the Preps ventured down to the botanical gardens for a fun day of exploring. We did lots of walking, but the day was absolutely beautiful. One of the biggest highlights was being able to see the MCG on the way to the gardens and getting to see the hrine of Rememberance. We saw massive fountains, ducks in ponds and bats in trees. We made confetti out of dried leaves, balanced on mossy forrest logs, crawled under shrubs to reach inside hollow trees, hopped across running streams and we smelled lots of fresh herbs. We got to plant our own seeds to take home as well. This excursion connected well with our diorama settings we are creating in writing, it gave us an idea of some of the animals/characters who might live in a big garden scape.
Our Prep fun day started when we made it back from our big excursion. We were all very tired and we settled in by watching Bug’s life with some popcorn and a drink. After we finished we had a yummy sausage sizzle. We finished the day off with a class Kahoot quiz that had questions about all the Prep children which was very funny. Well done to everyone involved in such a big day 😊
Prep Stephanie Alexander cooking
We have been cooking some great things over the past few weeks including: Pizza scrolls, Fruit faces, Witch hat cones and Healthy lunch wraps. It was so good to see so many children try new things in their wraps that they wouldnt normally like to eat like: Avocado, tomato chutney and alfalfa sprouts to name a few.
Year 1/2 Sleepover
On Friday, 8th November, the Year 1/2 students had their school sleepover - a fantastic experience as they prepare for upcoming school camps that start in Year 3. The excitement had been building all week! It was wonderful to see the students having fun together before they settled down to watch a movie and enjoy some snacks. The smiles and laughter on their faces as they enjoyed each other’s company were heart warming.
Dressed in pyjamas with sleeping bags and pillows in tow, their excitement was contagious! Although it was a late night for some, the students quickly settled in and most slept well. Surprisingly, not one of them woke up when an alarm accidentally went off! There was some tossing and turning through the night and a few very early risers, but that’s to be expected.
The students happily enjoyed pancakes and hash browns for breakfast before packing up and heading home to loved ones who surely missed them. Despite a bit of lost sleep for those who stayed up late or woke up early, it was a fun and memorable night for everyone! Thank you for helping prepare them for this special event; we know it can be a little scary to think you’ll wake up at school on a Saturday! 🤣
Congratulations to all the Year 1/2 students!
5/6 Healesville Sanctuary
As part of their inquiry unit, the 5/6 students visited Healesville Sanctuary to learn about Australian animals and the way they adapt to survive in their habitat. They explored the zoo and got up close to some of the amazing animals.
Year 6 Confirmation Reflection Day
The year 6 students went to the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation next week. The students learnt about the amazing life of Mary MacKillop with the help of Clare, as they reflected on the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. They then had the opportunity to visit St Patrick’s Cathedral where they celebrated Mass with other parishioners. Many students finished their reflection by lighting a candle and praying for themselves and their loved ones.
Prep Chalk Art