Language News

Mr Yeong Gwon - Head of Department Languages and International

Unlocking Opportunities: The Importance of Learning a Second Language

As we approach the elective subject selection for the upcoming academic year, I am delighted to highlight the invaluable benefits of learning a second language. Choosing a language course not only enhances one’s linguistic abilities but also opens doors to a myriad of personal, academic, and professional opportunities.


Cognitive Benefits:

Research consistently demonstrates that learning a second language improves cognitive functions such as problem-solving, multitasking, and decision-making. It enhances memory, sharpens concentration, and fosters creativity by providing new perspectives and ways of thinking.


Academic Advantages:

Students proficient in more than one language often exhibit stronger academic performance overall. They tend to score higher on standardized tests, particularly in areas of math, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. Learning a second language also improves linguistic awareness, which aids in mastering one's native language.


Global Perspective:

In an increasingly interconnected world, proficiency in a second language is a valuable asset. It promotes cultural understanding, empathy, and appreciation for diversity. By learning a language, students gain insight into different cultures, traditions, and global issues, preparing them to be informed global citizens.


Career Opportunities:

Proficiency in a second language significantly enhances employability in today’s competitive job market. Many employers value bilingual or multilingual employees for their ability to communicate across cultures, negotiate international deals, and facilitate global business operations. Learning a language can open doors to international job opportunities and career advancement.


Personal Enrichment:

Beyond academic and career benefits, learning a second language enriches one’s life personally. It enables meaningful connections with people from different backgrounds, enhances travel experiences, and broadens one’s cultural horizons. Language learning fosters lifelong learning and curiosity about the world around us.


Choosing Your Language:

Whether it’s Chinese, or German, each presents unique advantages. Consider your interests, future pathways, and the global relevance of each language when making your decision.


I encourage all students to embrace the opportunity to learn a second language. It is a transformative journey that not only equips you with practical skills but also broadens your understanding of the world and enriches your life in countless ways.


Should you have any questions or require further guidance in selecting a language course, please do not hesitate to reach out to your language teacher. Together, let’s embark on this exciting educational journey towards linguistic proficiency and global citizenship.


Various international trips offered to our Chinese/German students: 




Offered to

China Trip12 days trip visiting culturally significant places in China, including a local school where students will experience school life. A possible visit to the Australian embassy.At end of 2024 and occurring every two years Year 10 and 11 Chinese students 
Hum/Art/German European TripHum/Art/German European Trip – 12 days trip visiting culturally significant places Term 3 holidays in 2025 and occurring every two yearsYear 10 and 11 Humanities / Art / German students
German Immersion Exchange Program3-4 weeks immersion at a German school and tours around GermanyAt end of Year 9 and occurring every yearGerman Immersion students
Lotus China Program (fully funded by Department)2 weeks immersion in China studying Chinese and visiting culturally significant placesAt end of every YearYear 9 and 10 Chinese students
STEM Taiwan Program (fully funded by Department)2-3 weeks immersion in Taiwan, visiting STEM facilities and immersing in Chinese language and culture At end of every yearYear 10 Chinese students
Shanghai International Sister Cities Youth Camp (fully funded by Department)2 weeks cultural immersion in ChinaEvery year All Junior & Senior Chinese students
Jiangsu Global Student program in China (fully funded by Department)Jiangsu Global Student Program in China (fully funded) – 2 weeks cultural/language immersionEvery yearAll Junior & Senior Chinese students

For details about trips organised by Department, please visit the Department: