
Upcoming Events

23 JulyStudent Parent and Teacher Interviews
23 JulySchool finishes at 12:50 pm
25 JulyYear 12 Drama Performance Night
31 JulyYear 12 MUX Recital 3
07 AugustWrite a book in a day
09 AugustYear 9 Gala Day
09-11 AugustSenior Schools Cup Volleyball
12 AugustP&C Meeting 7:00 pm
13 AugustTULA Concert 2 - Seniors Farewell
19-23 AugustBook Week

Launch + Conference

Calling all innovators, dreamers, and change-makers! 


The Launch Gratitude Conference is here, and we can't wait to celebrate the power of STEAM education with you all! 


Date: Friday 30 August 2024

Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Location: The Gap State High School

Who: Years 5 – 12


Price: $70 per student

For more information and to book visit

Year 9 Camp

Year 9 Camp is occurring this term in Week 7, Wednesday 21 August to Friday 23 August 2024.  The Year 9 camp builds on the Survival unit that each Year 9 student is completing in their APP class (either in Semester 1 or Semester 2). During the camp, students will participate in a range of adventure based team building experiences themed around survival-based challenges. 


Camp Forms have been distributed to all year 9 families and are due back my Monday 22 July. Extra forms can be downloaded from the school website:

Any questions please email:


Subject Selection

Subject selection is now open in OneSchool. Attached are the offerings. 


All subject selections close the Friday of Week 6 this term.


Student activities – Non-curriculum 

Planning has already commenced for end-of-year activities for our student cohorts, including the Year 12 formal, senior jersey, Junior School activities at Theme parks and the Boat Cruise for Year 9 students.Invitations may not be offered to students with outstanding fees on their school accounts. We encourage families to contact the school if they have any concerns regarding the charges on their children’s accounts or if they require a payment plan.  


Financial accounts for Year 12 students need to be finalised as soon as possible and no later than the start of Term 3 2024 – this includes payments to be finalised on any payment plan already in place.  Payment plans will not be offered in Term 3 for Year 12 students.


As advised previously on our website, in our school newsletter and in correspondence to families, students may not be invited to participate in any non-curriculum activities, if they have outstanding school fees. We refer to clause 32 (Debt Management) of the Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement form, which clearly indicates that where participation fees are overdue, the Principal has the discretion to exclude a student from an optional school activity.

CYOD Update

Expressions of Interest for the 2025 CYOD school laptop program will commence on Tuesday the 22 July. 


We are excited to be partnering again with Acer to provide students with robust and fit-for-purpose education devices that will meet the needs of both senior and junior school students of The Gap State High School. 


We ask all parents/caregivers to consider the benefits of the program when looking to purchase a device for their students.

  • 3 years of warranty and accidental damage protection facilitated by the schools IT department
  • Access to network controls to block games and social media
  • Access to Hot-Swap laptops whilst repairs are taking place

More information about the program as well as a breakdown on each device can be found here:


If you have any questions about the program, please email