Wellbeing Update

An interesting PD opportunity looking at how art can support wellbeing in school communities. It is being held on Wednesday 7 August between 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.

Webinar: Art and Wellbeing

Join educators from the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to discover practical strategies to help students recognise, understand and evaluate emotional expression through art.

This webinar equips educators at all levels and disciplines with the skills to use art in the classroom supporting teaching, learning and wellbeing. 



Article: The importance of school connectedness

This article provides practical strategies that work in education to enhance student engagement and school connectedness. 


For most students, regular school attendance is routine, but for those at risk of absenteeism, feeling disconnected can be a real challenge.


This article discusses the importance of students attending, and having a sense of belonging at school, in order to be engaged and achieving. It discusses the sequential, four factor model is that attending leads to belonging, which leads to engagement, which leads to flow.