News of the Week

Dear Parents and Friends,
We are so excited to start our second week of Term 3. Our Year 6’s will go to St. Louis for a Leadership Day on Wednesday 7th August BUT tomorrow, all of our grandparents/grand friends will come for a liturgy classroom activities and morning tea.
Foundation 2025
This week Mrs Sullivan began her "Get to Know You" Interviews with our 2025 Foundation students. Each student and their parents come along to say hello as they begin their transition to school. Mrs Sullivan asks lots of questions! During the meeting each student does a drawing for Mrs Sullivan, which she then proudly displays in her office. When the families leave each child is given a little present, including this cute t-shirt which they can wear to Kinder. We think Zara and Xavier look really great in their St Brigid's T-shirts! We have more Get to Know You interviews next week as well. If you have family or friends who have someone coming to school in Foundation next year - its still not too late to come to the best school in Mordialloc - St Brigid's!!!!
Grandparents/Grand Friends Day
We are all looking forward to Grandparents/Grand Friends Day tomorrow. There are nearly 150 grandparents/grand friends coming. Do you know what grandparents/grand friends day is? It is when you bring a grandparent or grand friend to school with you to do activities like drawing a picture of them or giving them a quiz about the Olympics. Tomorrow we will join together for a liturgy, then we will go to the classrooms and do some activities followed by some scones, jam and creams for the visitors. We hope the students and grandparents will have an awesome time and will love the activities we give them.
Groove Bottles
This week Declan in Year 6 came up with a really great idea - to put the groove bottles sold on Tuckshop day into another bin so that the school can take them to the Braeside recycling Centre and earn 10 cent bins back on every bottle. This would help get some extra money for the school. Declan and his friends will take the bins out every Friday to collect the bottles. The Groove bottles collection will start this Friday. Great work Declan!
Student Led Conferences
This week we had our Student Led Conferences. Here is what Iris (Yr 5), Gemma (Yr 5) and Jack (Yr 6 ) thought about the Conferences:
How did you feel when you did the student led conference with your teacher and parents?
Iris - I was very nervous.
Gemma - I was really excited.
Jack - I actually felt very nervous.
What was your favorite part of the interview?
Iris - My favourite part was showing my work to mum and dad.
Gemma - My favourite part was how proud I felt after the interview.
Jack - My favourite part was showing my family my rainforest.
What is your favorite bit of work?
Iris - I was really pleased with my writing.
Gemma - My favourite bit of work was my writing.
Jack - My rainforest work was definitely my favourite.
Last week our Year 6 Students celebrated their Confirmation. Here are some thoughts from our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates:
What was the night like?
Jack - It was magical and exciting.
Mikey - It was a great night.
Josh - It was great and cool to see the Bishop.
What was Bishop Tony like?
Jack - Bishop Tony made me feel comfortable.
Mikey - Bishop Tony was a nice guy.
Josh - Bishop Tony was kind and didn’t put you under that much pressure.
What was the best part of Confirmation?
Jack - I thought the best part was when I was confirmed.
Mikey - I enjoyed listening to the Bishop's homily.
Josh - I thought the best part was getting annointed and becoming part of the Catholic community.
St Brigid's Light the Way Award - July Winners
A "BIG" well done to our first winners of our new St Brigid's Light the Way Award - Harry Yr 6 and Jameson Yr 1.
Jameson F (1/2A) won the Foundation to Year 2 award for being a kind and considerate student who comes to school everyday with a smile and a positive attitude, ready for any task that comes his way. Jameson is a caring friend - always looking out for his peers inside and outside of the classroom. In class he is an active listener and always tries his best at any task
Harry H (5/6C) won the Year 3 to Year 6 award for For his positive attitude and his kindness making sure everybody is included and welcomed at St Brigid’s.
Here is what Harry and Jameson had to say about winning the award:
How did you feel going up and receiving the award?
Harry: I felt excited and surprised at the same time.
Jameson: I felt really good and surprised.
Did you enjoy the experience?
Harry: Yes I felt proud and happy.
Jameson: Yes I really liked it but I was nervous
What did you do to receive this award?
Harry: I was kind to all my friends and helped new friends feel safe and happy.
Jameson: I was kind, nice and always helpful to my teacher and classmates.
Congratulations to our June Aussie of the Month - Emerson
Emerson said she was very happy to get this award and she felt very proud. Emerson received the Aussie of the Month award for being - a quiet achiever, who readily assists all staff and students. She is kind, considerate and thoughtful to all peers and anticipates assistance that she can offer. Emerson readily and genuinely invites all to join her in group work or when outside in play. She is always inclusive and demonstrates mateship. She has a positive attitude in work and gives positive feedback to peers. Well done Emerson!
Thank You!!!
Thank you Chantel (Eva's Mum in Yr 4) and Deb from Skilled Legal Pty Ltd for donating the Gazebo that Miss Richards will use when we have sports days. It also comes with 4 walls which will be great when the weather is cold.
And the Golden Boot goes to!!! 5/6K
The Golden Boot award is an event where students walk to school every Wednesday and the class who walked the most would get a prize being the Golden Boot. This event was very exciting for students, since it motivated students to get more healthy. Sadly this event has come to an end, however the event has concluded with the hand out of the Golden Boot. The class who won this award was 5/6K, but every class still got their congratulations on competing in this.
Congratulations to our Semester 2 Wellbeing Reps
Our new Wellbeing Reps were very excited to receive their Wellbeing Badges at Assembly on Friday. Mrs Thredgold is looking forward to working with our new Wellbeing Reps during Term 3 and Term 4.
Book Fair and Book Week
This year we kick off Book Week with our Book Fair in Week 5 - Monday 12th August to Thursday 15th August. Our annual Book Fair is one of our best fundraising activities each year. We will follow on with Book Week and its celebrations in Week 6. Lot's more information to come.
We have some great activities planned during Book Week including our annual Book Week Parade and Family Movie Night.
Book Week Parade - Friday 23 August - 9:00am - Come Dressed as your Favorite Book Character
Book Week Family Movie Night - Friday 23 August at 6:00pm -
"Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day"
Get your thinking hats on about your costume! The teachers have already planned their costumes!
Scholastic Book Club
A reminder to families that the last day to order from the current Scholastic catalogue is Wednesday 31st July.
TheirCare Update
Mrs Sullivan had a lovely phone call from Sandra today who is at home recovering from surgery. She can't wait to get back to St Brigid's on Monday 5th of August.
We hope you enjoyed our newsletter.
Liturgy and Community Team - Sasha, Havana, Max, Ethan, Harry, Finn, Jaxon and Declan