Out of School Care 

Before School - After School & Holiday/Pupil Free Day Program

Whole school closure day - Monday 29th July

YMCA will provide pupil free day care on this day if they have 10+ bookings prior. 

Please book through YMCA as soon as possible if you require care. 

YMCA After School Care and Holiday Program

After School Care at St Monica's is provided by YMCA from 3.30pm - 6pm, Mon-Fri.

Enrolments and bookings are managed through an online system called "My Family Lounge." To enrol your child in our After School Program or submit a booking request



Before School Care at St Monica's

Before School Care takes place in the school Library and is supervised by a staff member between 8am and 8:30. 

Students who arrive before 8.30 will be asked to attend before school care. This is the only supervision provided at this time until 8.30am when there is a staff in the classroom and on the lower yard.

Please see the office to book a place.