From the Teaching and Learning Deputy

Graham Buxton

Term 3 Parent Teacher Learning Conversations

As part of the changes to our reporting processes and format this year, we have an additional set of Parent Teacher Learning Conversations which will happen in Term 3. This will be a great opportunity for teachers to share more information about your child’s academic progress for the year and their learning goals for the end of Term 3 and Term 4. They will also give you the opportunity to ask your child’s teacher any questions that you have about their wellbeing and academic progress. We trust you will find these conversations to be valuable and look forward to sharing with you about your child’s journey at St Paul.

Please save the below dates and times in your diaries. Information about how to book your learning conversation time will be sent out soon.

Term 3 Parent Teacher Learning Conversations

Save the Dates:

  • Thursday 5 September 3:45-8pm
  • Friday 6 September 8:30am-3:30pm