Principals' Message 

Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Pride, Optimism 

Hello Parents and Friends,


Welcome back to Term 3! 


We have had a wonderful start to Term 3 and our students have settled back in so well.    Our Grade Prep, 2, 5 and 6 students all commenced Mandarin this week with our new teacher, Ms He, and they have had a great start to their semester of Mandarin learning. Student inquiries have all kicked off with plenty of ‘Tuning In’ experiences taking place across all classes and our Grade 4 students have loved learning about Ned Kelly as part of their literacy learning.  It is so exciting to be part of such a vibrant learning community.


We suspect we will have a few tired students and families over the next couple of weeks as the Paris Olympics take place.  There will be many late nights as we watch the best athletes in the world compete on the biggest stage.  We will have our own version of the Olympics and you can read more about it below. 


We are looking forward to a fantastic Term 3. With the PFA School Disco and House Athletics taking place shortly, we have so much to look forward to. 


Have an excellent weekend!  


TPPS Mini Olympics – Friday 2nd August

We are very excited to host our very own TPPS Mini Olympics from 11:00am om Friday 2nd August.  Each class has been assigned a country to represent and then all students will participate in tabloid activities representing their country.  The Mini Olympics is a fun event that will allow our students to experience the excitement and joy that the Olympics brings to so many across the world.  We encourage our students to wear the colours of their country on the day. Please note – parents and carers do NOT need to purchase any additional clothing for the day, any active wear will suffice. We will have an opening ceremony at 11:10am before we start the fun events soon after. 


Please see each class below and the selected country for them to represent.  We can't wait to get into the Olympic spirit and have a memorable TPPS Mini Olympics!



Prep K


Prep TF


Prep W 


Grade 1/2






Great Britain 






Sri Lanka

Grade 3/4










South Korea






New Zealand 

Gr 5/6 




Hong Kong




South Africa


United States 





New School Uniform!

It has been great to see so many students return to school in our new school uniform.  They look fantastic and the feedback from the students is that it is very comfortable and warm.  We now have a display of the uniform in our school foyer and we invite parents to come in and take a look. 


Please click here to access our School Uniform page on our website.  The new uniform can be purchased online at the PSW Kew East store and must be collected from the store, 12 Strathalbyn Street, Kew East.  

Our old school uniform can still be purchased from our onsite store at a reduction of 50% from our regular prices. 



In the final week of Term 2, we had a fantastic time celebrating NAIDOC Week at TPPS.  NAIDOC Week is a national week of celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture, heritage and achievement.  We commenced the week with a Smoking Ceremony hosted by Mark Lumley (Yorta Yorta).  It was such a beautiful and calming ceremony and our students learnt so much from the experience.  Throughout the week our students celebrated Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture and our Assembly on the final day of Term 2 saw our students sing a traditional Aboriginal song and read NAIDOC Week poetry that they had written throughout the week.  It was a pleasure celebrating the world’s oldest continuous living culture at TPPS. 



Parking and Driving Safely 

We have recently had numerous complaints from local residents and the school community about parents parking across driveways, within Council green space and undertaking illegal U-turns during pick up time after school.  There have been many near misses and it has become quite dangerous. 


The Manningham Council and Police have been notified and they will be undertaking regular patrols and issuing fines for any illegal activity. 


We strongly encourage families to use the Greek Orthodox Church as a parking spot. The Church have kindly allowed the school to use their carpark at drop off and pick up time. This is a short 350m walk from the Church Rd entry to the school.  Parents are encouraged to park and walk from there if they would like to meet their children within the school grounds.


Late Arrival to school - We need your support

We have continued to have a high number of students arriving late for school.  This means students have arrived after the 9:00am school bell.  The playground is supervised by the school Principal team from 8:30am and we strongly suggest that students arrive at this time to play, run around with their friends and socialise. 


At 8:50am, music commences over the loudspeakers and this is an invitation to the students to enter the classroom, take out their reader or book, place their lunch order in the box and prepare for the school day. 


Formal teaching commences at 9:00am and all students are required to be in class and ready to learn by this time. 


If your child is late by only 5– 10 minutes they are missing out on explicit teaching time.  At this time of day most classes will be undertaking explicit teaching of spelling, vocabulary or reading.  This is vital to literacy development.  Children who miss this time will not receive this essential instruction and this will have a significant impact on their learning. Late arrival is also very disruptive to the learning of the rest of the class.


If you require any help or assistance to get your child to arrive on time, please do not hesitate to contact their classroom teacher or one of the Principal team. 


Prep Playground Upgrade

Our Prep playground had a major facelift over the school holidays and it looks fantastic!  New garden beds have been made, a new bridge installed and a great deal of general maintenance took place. Our landscapers were unable to fully complete the work due to the poor weather.  Over the upcoming weeks, a synthetic court area and stage will be installed and further maintenance will take place. 



Student Free Day – Trauma Informed Practice 

We had a very successful professional learning day last Monday.  As a whole staff we spent the day studying the science of student wellbeing and trauma informed practice in teaching.  In particular, we learnt strategies on how to maintain a calm and productive classroom, and how to assist students to regulate their emotions.  It was pleasing to see that the strategies we already undertake at TPPS underpin the latest research in this area. 


Enrolments for Prep 2025 close on Friday 26th of July!

Digital enrolments for Prep 2025 are almost closed.  To register for a digital enrolment account please click here. The final date for Prep 2025 enrolment applications is Friday 26th of July 2024.


For assistance in enrolling please email Katie in the office  at or call on 9846 2700. 


Young Einsteins Pre-school program 

Our Young Einsteins pre-school program commenced on Wednesday and over forty pre-school students participated in the session.  Young Einsteins is one of our popular Prep transition programs that we host in Term 3. In Term 2, pre-schoolers participated in the Taste of School program where they undertook Visual Arts and Sport lessons.  Young Einsteins provides pre-school children with STEM and Sustainability lessons.  The pre-school children had a wonderful time learning about magnets and worms. 


Our comprehensive pre-school and transition program ensures our 2025 Preps feel comfortable, settled and ready to jump into their Prep year.  Our second and final Young Einsteins program will take place on Wednesday 14th of August and formal transition sessions will commence in Term 4. 


Principals’ Award

At assembly this afternoon, Sebastian M from Grade 6 was presented the Principals' Award. This year Sebby has stepped up inside and outside the classroom. In the classroom, he always sits and listens to the teacher and is ready to answer any question, even if he isn’t sure. He always learns from his mistakes and asks for feedback from peers or teachers. Sebby is always happy to sit with someone who is having difficulty and teach and support them in work. He never complains, always using problem solving skills with his friends and thinks about others first. Although these alone are enough for an award, his teachers are most proud of the extra curricular and extensions that he has pushed himself in.  In Mathematics, he has been working on the Melbourne Maths University project that is very difficult and causes him to think outside the box. He joined the debating team, even though he had never tried it before and showed how skilled he is at public speaking and research. This gave him the confidence for the Rotary Speech Competition, coming in our schools top two. He has also raised his hand to be our JSC Representative.


Sebby is the perfect example of a Grade 6 leader.  Well done, Sebby! 



Mark Roberts                       Brian Cleary                                        Robyn Twyford 

PRINCIPAL                           ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL                  ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL