3/4 B
Week 5 Term 3
3/4 B
Week 5 Term 3
We're nearly at the half way point of term 3. So much learning so far and so much learning still to go! There are many highlights to look forward to as we approach spring time.
So far this term our writing focus has been on poetry. We've learnt about many different types of poetry including Haiku, Cinquain, Acrostic, Shape and Alphabet poetry. It has been great to see so many creative and original ideas. The students are publishing these and we will display their personal favourites.
We've been working really hard on fractions since week 3. We've been learning about fractions of groups, equivalent fractions and representing fractions in different ways. It has been great to see the growth and development in confidence of the students over these three weeks.
Next week the year 3/4s are going to begin researching a disability and learn about its impact on people who live with it. Students will work collaboratively to gather information and share this information back with the rest of the class. Students will learn about disabilities such as muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and vision / hearing impairments. Students will also learn about ways the community raises awareness of such disabilities and support those who are affected. In the coming weeks we are also hoping to have a visit from Vision Australia, who will come and run an incursion to teach us more about what they do for those who have a vision impairment.
In Respectful Relationships we have been learning about emotional literacy. Our primary focus has been on the words we use to describe different emotions that we may feel across the day in a variety of different scenarios.
We have also been learning to:
Kind regards, Brendan.