100 days smarter!

This term we have grown and flourished in our learning so much that we are now 102 days smarter! 

On Monday 29th July, we celebrated 100 days at school. The day was filled with activities around the number 100. We dressed as 100-year-olds, explored collections of 100, made 100 days smarter crowns, made eyeglasses with frames of 100, made a trail of 100 blocks, shared what we would buy with $100.00, created 100 many ways, counted by 10s to 100, wrote 100 words and sang silly songs. Still, the most exciting part of the day was working with our buddies hunting for numbers between 10-100 in a number scavenger hunt around the 5/6 learning space.

There were many laughs throughout the day and by the end we all needed an early night!


In 100 days I have learned... 

Freddy - how to read, write sentences, spell words and write numbers!

Chelsea - to read tricky words and that a digraph has two letters!

Curtis - numbers before and after, how to count in 10s, to read with a buddy in buddy reading, a digraph is two letters making one sound, to read new letters and sounds and lots of writing!

Jack - how to count to 100 in 10s, to read with a buddy, and that a digraph is two letters making one sound!

Ryda - to sound out words to read and to write words I want to write!

Bodie - to write sentences, read and make numbers in maths!

Amelie - that a digraph is two letters making one sound!

Billy - to read and write words and to read with a buddy!

Ned - to read words!

Savannah - how to count, how to read and how to read with my buddy!

Luka - that a digraph is two letters making one sound!

Bowie - about lots of new letters. My favourite letter is 'B'!

Abby - how to read with my buddy in buddy reading!

Marc -about digraphs that are two letters and only one sound!

Darcy - how to read words that I didn't know, lots of writing and how to read with a buddy!

Noah - new letters and words!

Obie - to write my name!

Storm - how to count and write numbers, my letters and sounds and to write my name!

Hugo - to read with a buddy!

Evie - how to write new letters and sounds and words!

Lucky - about two letters making one sound like '-ck' at the end of a word!

Raffy - that two letters that make one sound is called a digraph such as 'sh' in shell and 'ck' in back!

Van - about digraphs that are one sound made by two letters!

Olive - that a digraph is two letters that make one sound, about numbers and counting up to 100 by 10s!

Lucy - to read words and tricky words!


The Learning Pit

Did you know that when we find something hard, challenging or tricky we say we are in the pit…the pit of learning! Learning can be easy or hard nevertheless it is how we begin to work through the problem that the real learning happens. It is often easy to give up but when we stick to it and explore different ways to solve these problems or face challenges, is when our brain thrives and grows.

We have been building a positive growth mindset in Prep. We might not be able to do something…yet! We will try new things…listen to other ideas…model to our friends and learn from each other. There are many ways to solve problems, especially in maths. We might not all know the answers straight away, but we will continue to try and work through these challenges and hard times…this is when we ‘climb’ out of the pit and the learning happens!