Specialist Subjects

 Physical Education


Grades 3-6 - week 4 & 5. August 5, 6, 7 & Aug 12, 13, 14

@ Jet's Gym in Golden Square. 

Students need to wear comfy clothes. Parents are welcome to watch their child during these sessions from the viewing area up the stairs. 

Grades P-2 - Term 4, week 1 & 2. October 7, 8, 9 & 14, 15, 16 

@ Jet's Gym in Golden Square. 

Students need to wear comfy clothes. Parents are welcome to watch their child during these sessions from the viewing area up the stairs. 


P-2 Swim Lessons

Grades Prep -2 will enjoy their swim lessons in Term 3, week 6. 

@ Paul Sadler Swimland. 

More information will be sent to families on Compass soon. 


5/6 Netball teams

On July 24th, our grade 5/6 Netball teams went to the Red Energy Arena to compete against other primary schools in our region. Our mixed had a great day, winning three, losing three and drawing one. Our girls team had an even better day, going undefeated and winning the division 2 competition. Thanks to Mrs Davey, Ms Spear and Zenda McConnell for all their hard work. 


5/6 Footy teams 

On July 30th and 31st our girls and boys footy teams went to Kennington PS for their Division footy day. Our girls team won one game against Kangaroo Flat and fought valiantly against some very handy players. Our boys team came 3rd overall, with 4 wins and 3 losses. Congrats to both teams and thanks to Mr Price, Ms Reidy and Mr Kingdon for their help organising and coaching the teams. 

Important Dates Coming Up:

Term 3

  • 3-6 Gym - August 5-7 & 12-14
  • Prep - 2 swim lessons @ Paul Sadler - August 19-23
  • Division Volleyball - August 22
  • Division Basketball - September 6
  • Division Aths - September 16

Term 4

  • Prep - 2 Gym - October 7-9 & 14-16
  • Div Cricket - October 25

-Mr. Smyth


Grade 3-6 - This term, our Grades 3-6 students will be working in small groups, working on various compositions. To begin, we revisited the importance of playing in time with each other and completed an array of activities that had them moving and playing in synch. 

Then, they selected a partner for our first composition. Starting small, students are creating simple 2-4 chord pieces of music on keyboards. They create a melody that fits with the chords selected and present these to their peers. This helps them develop their "ear"  for finding which notes work well together, as well as being able to experiment and be creative with their partner when creating these pieces.



Grade 1-2 - We have learned (refreshed for Grade 2's) what the term "genre" means and each class has selected 16 different genres (from a list of well over 1000!!!) to enter our "Genre Wars" competition. Each week, students will critically listen to a short sample of two different genres, before voting which one they like the best. In addition, we will have a conceptual focus to discuss after each listen as well. 

Students will also continue to develop their ukulele playing, perform our various "play alongs" on keyboard, xylophones and boomwhackers, and start composing small pieces of music in groups to present to the rest of the class. 



Grade Prep - Students are refreshing core musical concepts of Beat, Tempo, Dynamics and Pitch, using their voices, bodies and instruments to perform. They are continuing to learn how to play and perform with others, taking turns, showing respect to performers and playing fairly in drama games. 


-Mr. Mayes

Visual Arts

Welcome back to another term of fun and creativity in the art room. Our student gallery is filling up, and so are the walls of our art room with a flurry of colour. Over the next 10 weeks our students will dive into their new units of work and a look at exploring the more technical side of art. As always we will be heavily focused on Australian artists such as Ken Done, Thom Roberts and Fiona McMonagle. 





Juniors - Have been learning preposition signs we had to follow our partners signing to place of cat correctly. 

- Cat on top of the lego

 - Cat under the lego 

- Cat next to the lego 


Senior students have been looking at grammar, with prepositions. A sign or word that comes before a noun or a pronoun, often expressing a relation of something else to that thing, e.g. CAT UNDER TABLE (The cat is under the table) English = preposition.


We have to remember that the Auslan signs that can function like prepositions (e.g, ON, UNDER, IN, etc.) are often not used when they would be in a similar English sentence because it is also possible to show what you mean in Auslan. For example, instead of signing CAT ON TABLE you can also sign TABLE first, then make the sign CAT just above it. People will then understand that you mean ‘the cat is on the table’ or ‘the cat is on the top of the table’


-Miss E