School News

Term 3, 2024

Staff 2024
Staff 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,


As we enter a busy part of the school year, we have students participating in football, netball, a new EFL season, EBT, leadership activities, a maths competition and the camping program. It has been wonderful to see the growth across the school in all learning areas.


I would also like to personally welcome the new families to our school - we are thrilled to have you join our community.


Extra-Curricular Results

Congratulations to our EBT team on their placement in the Sandown HPV race. Epsom Primary School faced some stiff competition - but our students gave it their best. Apart from some crashes and spins on the track, we took out 5th position with Adrenaline and 14th for Whiplash. 


Epsom might be known as a town for soccer, but our school football and netball teams are proving that we are multi-faceted! All of our AFL teams came home with a win through the day and our netball team came home in the final.


Well done to all students and staff involved.


Disabled carpark

We completely understand how manic pick up and drop off can be. Some parents however have been parking at the front of the drive through, preventing access to the disabled parking through the main gate. This area should remain clear at all times. 


A reminder too that the car park across the road is for school staff only.


100 Days of Prep

On Wednesday, a large group of little grannies and grandpas walked through our gates. Congratulations to all of our prep students (and parents) who have made it to 100 days of learning. The "100 Days of Prep" celebration was a significant milestone in the first year of school for our prep students. This event marked the completion of the first 100 days of our student's educational journey and was a fabulous opportunity to highlight their current progress and achievements.  


Student Learning Conferences

I would like to extend a thank you to all parents who attended the recent student learning conferences. Your active involvement and support play a crucial role in our students' educational journey. By participating in these interviews, you help foster a strong home-school partnership, ensuring that we can work together to support your child's growth and learning.


Book Fair

Once again, our book fair was a smashing success with $3873 made in total. This sum translates into 972 book rewards for our library. Thank you to everyone in our school community (especially our dedicated library coordinator Mrs Lister), for helping to raise money for some new books.


Book Week reminder

The Book Week parade will soon be upon us. It is time to start dusting off those costumes and planning which characters will walk through the door on this annual event. The Book Week parade will take place on Friday 30th of August.


Tutor Learning Initiative

Epsom Primary has been asked to present to other schools in Victoria in acknowledgement of the results of our Tutor Learning Program. Hats off to Mrs Macrae and Mrs Dellar who presented  and our fabulous tutors for your commitment in ensuring that the program was delivered with fidelity over the past few years.


School Council

A reminder that there will be a school council meeting next Wednesday with Engagement and finance sub committees meeting beforehand.


World Principal Day

Today is World Principals Day. I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude and appreciation for our incredible Epsom school community for the ongoing support of Kate (our fabulous AP) and I, in our roles. Serving as your principal is an absolute honour, and I am deeply passionate about my role in working to build the best learning environment possible for our students.


I would also like to acknowledge the unwavering commitment of our teachers and Education Support staff. Their dedication, creativity, and hard work ensure that our students receive the highest quality education and support. 


To our parents and guardians, thank you for being exceptional learning partners. Your involvement and support are invaluable, and together, we are able to create a strong and vibrant school community.


And finally, to our students; you are the moral compass for all of our roles - your enthusiasm, curiosity, and resilience inspire us every day. You are at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to helping you achieve your full potential.


Thank you all for making Epsom Primary School such a special place.


Have a great weekend,


Julie Ladd
