Library News
Recently, emails were sent to parents regarding overdue library books. If you have received one of these emails can you please follow up either with payment or make contact with me in the library if you are unable to find the book.
Book Fair arrived Monday 22nd of July, it has been a very successful fair with over $3800 spent. This has given us 972 book rewards.
I would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has supported our Book Fair.
The book rewards will be used to purchase new resources for our library.
TERM 3 important dates for your calendar
The Blurbs: 15th August 9:30am
Book Week: 26th - 30th August
Book Week Parade: Friday 30th August 9:15am
The Blurbs are coming!
Thursday August 15th, the Blurbs will be performing for us on the COLA.
The performance is linked to nominated CBCA Book Week books. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly, they may bring a blanket/cushion for sitting on - when they are not busy dancing!
Cuppa and Contacting
There will be another cuppa and contacting day in Term 3 .
There are a number of books that have recently been purchased and need contacting. If you are able to help with this in any way it would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Kirsty by coming in and visiting or emailing
Library Sessions - Term 3
Please check which day your child has Library as some days have changed this term and ensure that their books are being returned.
Grade 2 Janssen, Fullard and Gruenhausen
Grade Prep/1 Thomson
Grade 4 Gilmore, O'Connor, Pata/Ashman
Grade 6 Salm, Chamings and Jacobs
Prep Davey, Antonowicz and Schwenke
Grade 1 Price and McDougall
Grade 3 Delikatzis, Hartland and McGregor
Grade 5 Cumming, Palmer and Aburrow