Music News

St George’s Cathedral, Concerts at One

John XXIII College returns to St George’s Cathedral on Wednesday, 31 July, as part of the Concerts at One series. Commencing at 1pm, this concert features performances from the College’s senior vocal and instrumental ensembles and is open to all members of the public. Entry is free and all families are invited to attend.


Students and ensembles performing in the concert will receive SEQTA communication with details around transport, attire and automated excursion forms. Please contact ensemble directors or the Music Department with any queries.

Music Eisteddfod 2024 – Schedule and Rehearsals

College Music students are busily rehearsing to prepare for the annual Music Eisteddfod! Held on Sunday, 4 and Monday, 5 August, the Eisteddfod brings together Primary and Secondary students in a huge day of music-making in competition for House Points towards the Music Shield. Sessions on Winds, Strings, Guitar, Piano, Percussion, Small Ensembles, Composition and Voice are held across the John XXIII Campus, as we celebrate the gifts of our students in a supportive and energetic environment. Students are encouraged to wear their House Shirts (with either jeans, College sports shorts or pants, or other pants appropriate for public performances – no leggings) for the Eisteddfod, to celebrate their contributions towards their House awards.


Please see below for a schedule for the day (subject to change). Please contact instrumental tutors or the Music Office with any queries. Accompaniment is available for all students, with rehearsal times available throughout Week 3. Sign-ups for rehearsal times are available in the Music Office.


Please contact the Music Office with any queries. Further details and updates will be communicated via SEQTA directly to performing students and families.


Sunday 4 August

Monday 5 August

James Kros

Head of Learning Area - Music