Canteen News

Hello from the Canteen
Welcome back to all our families for term 4.
We have already spent lots of time working on our menu for Sports Day and hope that everyone who ordered, enjoyed the donuts today. Look out for a Christmas special coming closer to the end of term. We would like to thank families once again for their understanding with the canteen being closed on Tuesdays during term 3 for Karran and Michelle to complete mandatory training. We are now back to being open our usual 4 days a week.
Stock and menu update
Have you noticed a couple of special additions to the menu? These items will be limited availability for now to see how they go. They are Hot Chicken Rolls, Butter Chicken (available in a regular or large serve) and Tuna and Corn Mornay with spiral pasta. As we only have 9 weeks this term, we are preparing for end of year stocktake and cleaning and as such some menu items will not be restocked as they run out. Please keep an eye on the QKR menu for this.
Student reminders
When possible, please don’t send children with notes larger than $10.00 unless you are ordering lunches for more than one child.
It has been great to see some preschool orders coming in the last few weeks! Preschool students are welcome to order lunches, drinks, and snack foods (unfortunately not frozen treats unless you are wanting to order one of our Birthday Buckets) however they must use QKR! To order because they do not bring a lunch tray to us in the mornings.
Ordering cut-off time
The cut-off time for QKR! orders is 8.50am each morning. Please check orders carefully and make sure you have selected the right day for your order. If ordering for more than one child, please check that the correct items are listed under each child’s name on the summary screen before you pay. If you have pre-ordered food on QKR! and your child is going to be absent, please cancel the order by 9.30am or it will be charged for. (Applies to lunch food items only. Drinks, snacks, and ice-creams can be held until the next day) To cancel, ring the front office and ask to be transferred to the canteen. Children arriving late wanting to do cash orders will have limited choices and will not be able to order after 10.30am
Thank you to the families who have let us know when your child is going to be absent, it means they can get the order on another day and is also reducing food wastage.