Community Hub

Great Start to Term 4
Term 4 (weeks 1 & 2) started with plenty of fun at Playgroup. This week the children had a variety of activities to keep them busy such as painting, playdoh, drawing, arts & crafts & building lego. After our playtime, we visited the chickens at the back of the Preschool and read our story and sang nursery rhymes outside in the sunshine.
English conversational classes & sewing, crochet & knitting classes began this week. We have plenty of new people who can sew and a few that are learning how to sew for the very first time and we now have more new material & wool.
Coffee & Chat continues this term on Wednesdays from 9.30 to 10.30le. Please feel free to pop by for a chat or drop in and ask questions about our programs at the hub.
Next month we will be celebrating Diwali. This is a good way to connect with the hub and learn what Diwali is all about. We will have Indian music, costumes and sweets available.
We will also have a free parenting workshop called ‘Bringing up Great Kids’ during November. This is a 4 week workshop for parents/carers to encourage parenting practices that build competence, optimism and capability in children.
Please ring Janice if you are interested in attending.e also have a crèche available during the workshop sessions.