Student News

How amazing was Sports Day?
What a great day today was. We were extremely lucky with the weather and it was fabulous to once again see so many of our families here supporting all of us.
Our captains did a super job of starting off the day, leading their teams with the chants and the whole school warm up. Thank you to our Arts teacher Belinda for choreographing the warm up and working with our students to learn it.
With all of the tabloid events being held across the asphalt, hall and oval, there were so many enthusiastic participants, enjoying the games and cheering on their teams. With the addition of some team events before recess, there was extra excitement and more opportunities to gain some valuable points prior to the sprints. The students cheered their hardest to encourage team mates in the sprints which rounded up the competition for the day.
Congratulations to all students on their participation and sportsmanship throughout the day. It was so fabulous to see everyone having a go and encouraging each other. At the end of the day, there were only 15 points separating the teams with the final result being.....
1st place Murray 1575 points
Equal 2nd place Para and Light 1565 points
3rd place Torrens 1560 points
It's the first time in 10 years that Murray has won a Sports Day! Thank you to Mr Ben and the Sports Day committee for planning such a successful day. We are extra proud of everyone and hope all students and families enjoyed the day.
Library News
Each week, our Library Leaders plan activities and spend time during a recess break providing opportunities for students to visit the library, borrow books and have fun. We are very proud of their leadership and their support of younger students.
Notices have been sent home regarding overdue books. Please have a look at home for any library books or readers, particularly those that you have had for a while and begin returning them to the library in preparation for the end of year.
This year, the Premiers Reading Challenge was completed by an amazing number of our students. To recognise this, representatives from our school have been invited to attend an official reception later this term. We look forward to sharing more about this with you in later newsletters. Thank you to families for supporting our students in completing the challenge.