Year 10 Work Experience

Last week we had a large number of our Year 10 students out on Work Experience. It has been a great opportunity for these students to gain professional experience, learn about different careers and industries, as well as networking in a professional setting. Myself and the Year 10 teachers have had the opportunity to go out and visit our students onsite to see how they are going and to witness our students learning in new and different settings. We have also received some very positive feedback from both the employers and students about their week.



This week for work experience, I went to my Dentist because being a dentist is something that I am hoping to pursue in the future. These five days, I got to watch various types of surgeries. My most favourite one was when a patient was getting a crown placed in their teeth. It was really interesting to observe. Even though I was mostly observing in the past five days, I gained a lot of information and learnt new things.

This has been a very good experience for me.

Hasini Teddu, 10F


At Scienceworks I got to sit in and observe staff operating the planetarium. By the end of the week I had a good grasp on how to work the computer and what they do there. I had a great time speaking with the staff there learning more about what they do and how they do it.

Arlo Grimwade, 10B

During my work experience placement, I had the privilege of working with the Victorian Skills Authority and working closely with the Survey Manager, Nicole, as well as the Senior Project Officer, Stephanie. Throughout my placement, I have become increasingly independent, developed a new level of professionalism in corporate settings and performed new practical tasks that will be applicable in my future career. Working at the VSA has expanded my horizons and opened my mind to parts of the workforce that are vital to our society and education. I have been introduced to new concepts, knowledge and skills that will continue to support my career aspirations. I have worked on a range of tasks ranging from creating Client Charters, editing official website details for universities, and researching for the VSA. I am extremely grateful and honoured to have worked in such a friendly, welcoming and professional environment that has set my standards at an exceptional level for the corporate industry. I would recommend the Victorian Skills Authority to any student that wants to expand their skills for the workforce, as well as working on personal growth. 

Aarushi Shankhdhar, 10F


Before I have started my work experience, I have expected it to be boring, as everybody was telling me it won't be fun to do it at school. But it wasn't boring at all. I've learned new things nearly every day and enjoyed most of it. 

On Monday I found out how fun it is to deliver stuff around school. On Tuesday, I learned the toughness of being an office worker and found out for myself that I don't want to be one. On Wednesday, I learned how to return and sign out books in the library. Today (Thursday) I learned the setup of books in the library and I could even place some books back myself. Then I also organised and cleaned the costume room at the PAC, which taught me how hard it is to be working as a cleaner, which also made me realised that my room is not messy at all. Overall, work experience showed me what I do and don't want to be in my life. It also showed me the hard work that some people do every day.

Luba Mikhailouskaya, 10C


Heather Palm

Careers and Pathways Coordinator