Alumni News

To top off last term, Shruthi Sasikumar (class of 2019), presented to the 2024 cohort of Year 7s and their parents. 


Shruthi spoke about the co-curricular activities GEC offered that made her school days even more special.


When Shruthi came to GEC, she had just moved from India. She shared how the opportunity to be involved in sports carnivals, clubs and captaincies grew her confidence. She also shared that these activities allowed her to learn more about herself and gave her the opportunity to thrive in a new school environment. 


Now a software engineer and studying a Bachelor of Computer Science at Swinburne, Shruthi encouraged 2024’s Year 7s to utilise any opportunity presented to them.


Antoine Hobbs (Class of 2020) and Estelle Lipovestky (Class of 2020) have recently come together to combine their French and filmmaking skills to create a learning resource for French teachers across Victoria. 


How lucky are we to have such talented alumni! 


Read below to learn more about their film and how it will impact students in Victoria:

If you know anyone who is a GEC alum, please encourage them to like/follow our GEC Alumni Facebook page or get in touch with us via


Bridie Skinner 

Alumni Program Coordinator 

Class of 2020