From the Principal

Term 4 Commencement 

Warm greetings and welcome back for Term 4. I hope that the break provided you with ample rest and relaxation to gear up for the final stretch of the year. 


This term promises to be eventful, with major occasions such as the Year 12 Graduation, Final Exams, Parent-Teacher Interviews & Student Led Conferences, Award Ceremonies, and the Valedictory Dinner on the horizon.


For many students, Term 4 signals a time of change and transition, as Year 12 students move on to the next chapter of their lives, while new students start their orientations. Please be assured that our dedicated staff are here for you and will be offering their continuous support during these exciting times. 


We recognize that each student has unique goals and aspirations for success, and we are committed to helping them achieve these ambitions. I would like to encourage our students to seize the opportunities that this term presents and 'Create Success Together'. Let us make this final term a memorable one filled with many fond recollections.


Fiona McAuliffe 

College Principal