Student of the Week Awards
Presented 13/10/23
Student of the Week Awards
Presented 13/10/23
This award is presented to Samuel for trying so hard complete all activities set for him. He listens carefully to instructions and is eager to install our Scoresby HEART values into his everyday routine. Keep up all the great work you are doing Samuel and never give up with making yourself the best person you can be!
This award goes to Adrian for the care and respect he has been putting into his work. Adrian, I am proud of you for taking the time to slow down and focus on your learning tasks so you can complete them to the best of your ability. Your effort has not gone unnoticed, well done!
This award goes to Ava for outstanding poetry writing this week. Ava has carefully considered the structure of different types of poetry to create interesting and meaningful pieces. Your poems are a joy to read Ava. Keep up the great work!
Congratulations Brodie for showing exceptional effort in putting together a rhyming poem. It’s a delight to see your creative nature come out and shine. Keep up the wonderful work!
This award goes to Otto for the HEART Value of Excellence. Otto has been able to complete his work and persevered when it has been challenging. We are very proud of you Otto!
This award goes to Beaux for the amazing recount writing he has completed this term. Beaux has organised his ideas in a sequential order and has tried to include lots of details about each event. We are especially proud of the way that you are having a go and attempting to spell all of the words in your writing. Keep up the great work.
This award goes to Ethan for the improved focus and motivation he has had in writing this week. After attending the Science DOME incursion last week, Ethan has been eager to write about the interesting things he saw and learnt. Ethan, it is great to see you excited about writing.
Congratulations on a great week Kabir. I have enjoyed reading your persuasive paragraphs this week. You were able to apply persuasive techniques to your writing, including ‘personal pronouns’ and ‘rule of three’ which showed terrific ability to adapt new learning. Keep up the good work.
Congratulations to Annie for showing the HEART value of Excellence this week. Annie has engaged in all class discussions, respectfully challenged other’s thinking, and actively took on feedback from the teacher. Well done Annie – keep up this fantastic mindset!
This award goes to Keely for her outstanding efforts in Writing. This week, Keely wrote 5 persuasive argument paragraphs for the topic of ‘We shouldn’t have school uniforms at school’. She reflectively thought about her arguments and constructed 5 well written paragraphs. Well done Keely!
This award goes to Isla for her beautiful picture of a garden of sunflowers. Isla capably painted short, radiating strokes for the petals of her flowers and carefully pasted her pop sticks to make the fence. I love how your flowers are different heights Isla!
Congratulations Summer for picking up the bass guitar and learning note positions so quickly. I hope that you continue to enjoy playing the bass.
This award goes to Sienna for always listening attentively, working diligently and showing appropriate behaviour in Mandarin class. Your consistent dedication to learning Mandarin is greatly appreciated. Congratulations!
This award goes to the whole school for the excitement and enthusiasm everyone showed towards the Space Dome Incursion last week. There were so many wonderful questions asked and I look forward to the rest of our term exploring our solar system. Great job everyone!
This award goes to all of 1/2C for working beautifully in our Health lessons and blowing me away with their understanding of what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. Keep it up!