Principal's Report

To the St Brigid’s Community,
As I prepare to say goodbye to St Brigid’s after 11 enriching years, Gerard invited me to use the newsletter to make my farewell.
These years have been a remarkable chapter in my life, and I am deeply thankful for the support, dedication, and unwavering commitment of the extraordinary school community of St B’s.
To the students of St Bs, I want to express my deepest thanks and appreciation. It has been an absolute honour to be a part of your educational journey. Your enthusiasm, your thirst for knowledge, and your unique perspectives have enriched my life in countless ways. I am grateful for the opportunity to guide and learn from you. I’m thankful for the smiles and laughter that you bring to every one of my days. The future holds remarkable adventures for each one of you, and I have no doubt that you will continue to shine brightly.
I want to express my profound gratitude to the families of the students I've had the privilege to teach in both English and Humanities and a little bit of Science thrown in there a few years ago. Your willingness to communicate, attend parent-teacher interviews, and actively engage in your child's learning journey has been instrumental in our collective success. Your involvement has not only enriched the education of your children but has also deepened my own appreciation for the power of collaboration between educators and parents.
For the past three years, I had the privilege of serving as the Learning Diversity Leader, and the journey of rebuilding this essential aspect of our school has brought me immense joy and pride. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the families, parents, and guardians who partnered with me. Your willingness to grow alongside me, your trust as I updated my knowledge, and your patience as we navigated systems such as Consult requests and the Special Consideration process for VCE were invaluable. I am profoundly grateful for your faith and trust in me and for allowing me to be a part of your children's educational journeys.
While my chapter “inside” St Bs may be coming to a close, I am excited to see the bright future that awaits our beloved school as a parent witnessing it through the community.
Thank you for an unforgettable 11 years. It has been an honour, a privilege, and a joy to serve this wonderful school community. I will cherish these memories always.
With deepest gratitude and warm regards,