Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today we enjoyed a wonderful day celebrating some very special people in the lives of our students - their grandparents. It is always a delight to witness the animation and gentle interactions between the generations. We look forward to this very special day on our school calendar every year. A delicious morning tea and lunch was enjoyed by all and the children eagerly showed off their classwork to very attentive grandparents. All children took part in our special assembly and the book fair proved to be a huge hit. What a fabulous day!

On Saturday September 16, staff member Emily McDonald and Dwight Gall celebrated their wedding day. Congratulations to Emily and Dwight and we wish you many years of happiness and good fortune. Emily will return to us in Term 4 as Mrs Gall. Congratulations to you both.

Last week, several staff members attended professional learning at St Nicholas Primary School in Tamworth. The focus of the learning was school improvement. The Diocese is working with Dr Lyn Sharratt who is a leading expert in the process for improving learning for all students. The Diocese began their journey with Lyn in 2017 and the purpose of the two day workshops last week, was to review with executive staff the importance of clarity and precision in school leadership. We look forward to our Clarity journey over the coming years.


We continue to hear wonderful things about our ex students, particularly the exemplary way they have conducted themselves as they undertake their secondary studies at the various high schools in the Tamworth, Manilla and wider areas. Congratulations to Connie Weekes has been elected a prefect at Yanco Agricultural High School. Connie is siter ot Tobie Weekes in Yr 5 at St Michael's. Congratulations also to Isabella Bolsom who has been elected House Captain at McCarthy Catholic College Tamworth for 2024.


On September 29, it is St Michael's feast day. St Michael is the Patron Saint of our school as well as Patron Saint of Banking, Grocers and the Police. St Michael is actually an angel. Unfortunately, this feast day falls in the holidays, but is still an important day for St Michael's Catholic School.


School for Term 4 will commence on Monday October 9 for all children K-6. This day is not a pupil free day. A calendar for Term 4 is attached to the newsletter. School fees for Term 3 are now due, so your prompt payment would be appreciated. 

Enjoy a safe and happy holiday break.
