
Birthdays and Awards


Happy Birthday to Leah Kelly and Cooper Elliott  who have celebrated a birthday recently. Congratulations and we hope you had a wonderful day. Happy Birthday also to Susan Davidson, Evie Lendon, Pippa Duff and Farrer Burke who will celebrate their special day during the holidays. 


Merit Awards

Qunesha Sing-Adams: great number recognition.

Clancy Burrows: giving great examples of reactions to situations.

Joseph Sullivan: using persuasive language in writing.

Zandah Shorter: excellent efforts writing acrostic poems.

Nulla Gillon: making good choices to support your learning.

Patricia Towns: great effort during the Literacy Block.

Mason Johnston: excellent descriptions of 3D objects.

Sophie Eykamp: excellent work in identifying the features of 3D objects.

Bryce Mitchell: excellent effort converting between millimetres, centimetres and metres.

Connor Mitchell: showing good Sportsmanship on and off the playground.

Merit Award Recipients - Week 9
Merit Award Recipients - Week 10
Merit Award Recipients - Week 9
Merit Award Recipients - Week 10

Legends of the Light Shine Awards - Stewardship

Cooper Elliott, Maicee-Grace Elliott, Georgia Abra, Logan Burrows, Isaac Marshman, Max Coombes, Summer Catlett, Alice Coombes, Adelaide Coleman, Chelsea Holden.

Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients

Reading Awards

Evie Lendon

Reading Award Recipient
Reading Award Recipient