Sketcher's Scoop

12 October 2023

Welcome Back to School

It was great to welcome all our students back at school last week after the holidays! This term is an action-packed one as we head towards the end of the year. There are plenty of celebratory events, camps to experience and everyday learning to enjoy. Hopefully, we can all keep up! The main event is our final 50th Anniversary celebration event on Friday 24 November where we invite the whole community to come together for a Community Picnic. All the details to follow over the coming weeks!

Association EGM

We are looking forward to seeing our Association members at our EGM next Thursday, 19 October. It will be a special time of fellowship as the Association celebrates ten years of our very successful Kindergarten! We will also be recognising the long and faithful service of Karissa Esselbrugge and making special farewells to Allan Long, Wendy Mason and myself! Join us from 7pm in the Gym for a light supper and some fun ‘Kinder activities’ followed by our meeting at 7.30pm.

Working Bee

We are back into Working Bee season and so we are looking forward to seeing a number of you here on Saturday 21 October! Don’t forget to book in if you are yet to attend a Working Bee this year. Our Property Manager, Daniel Chatelier, will have a range of jobs for us to get into from our regular maintenance jobs, through to tasks that are more seasonal. We could not maintain our grounds and facilities without the support of our community, so once again, thanks for contributing your bit! 

Farewell to Our Year 12s

Finally, this week is the last week of classes for our Year 12s. We look forward to times of celebration over the coming weeks. We thank the graduating class of 2023 for all they have contributed to our community here at MECS and pray that they might find great joy and purpose as they serve others and continue to seek God in the days ahead. May the seeds that have been planted in this place, bear much fruit in the years to come! You are all warmly welcomed to a Whole School Farewell Assembly next Tuesday morning (17 October) at 9.15am in the Gym.