Community Notices

The Apple Man is coming this Friday, 13 October
Grab your fresh, juicy apples and pears! (The Pink Lady variety are amazing!)
The Apple Man has:
Green pears $12
Sundowners $15
Granny Smith $15
Pink Lady $17
Envy $18
Please place your money in an envelope and hand it in to the Main Office before 9am Friday, 13 October. Bags can be collected from the office after 2.30pm on Friday, 13 October.
Rental Needed
A member of our community is looking for a 3 Bedroom Rental within 30 minutes drive from MECS. If you have or know of a rental about to become available please email Jenny Taylor on Thank you.
Another Rental Needed
We are a family of 4 and a Labrador. We have previously been a MECS family and are hoping to move back to the area from interstate at the end of this year. We are long term renters with an excellent rental history and are looking for a pet friendly house within 10 minutes of MECS. We are looking for 4+ bedroom rental in the Lilydale/Mount Evelyn area. Contact Beth Matthews in the MECS office. (9738 6000).
Ages 7-12 Study for the Treatment of Anxiety
This treatment study is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council and is being conducted by Griffith University, Queensland. The educational ethical board (Department of Education and Training, Victoria) have approved the study.
If you are interested, all the information is in the following downloadable PDFs, to help you decide if you wish to participate.
Fruit of the Spirit Books for Sale
As we approach Christmas or if you are looking for a present for children, these books on the Fruit of the Spirit are now available from the school office, or on the website.
Parent Zone Parenting Programs
In Term 4, ParentZone Eastern are offering the following 6-week parenting programs, as always FREE of charge!
- Talking Teens
- Dads Matter
- Parenting Anxious Children
- Tuning into Kids
- Living with ADHD/ADD
Parents and carers are connecting and supporting each other in the Strengthening Parent Support Program’s ongoing peer support groups which are offered both online and face to face for parents who have a child with a disability or developmental delay (diagnosis not necessary)
For information on the events above, as well as parenting events and support programs in the East please check out our latest Parenting in the East – What’s On Services Guide