Grade 5/6

Term 4 is looking to be a busy term for the Grade 5/6s, with many events to look forward to, including:

  • 8th Nov: SE Melbourne Phoenix Basketball clinics
  • 10th Nov: Excursion to GTAC
  • 12th Dec: Year 6 to 7 Transition Day
  • 20th-24th Dec: Swimming Program
  • 13th Dec: Surf Day
  • 18th Dec: Grade 6 Graduation

In Literacy, students spent the first week learning about some famous authors, sports stars, naturalists & inventers through reading their biographies. Grade 5s will continue researching a person of their choice this week, whilst the Grade 6s work on their autobiographies.


In Maths, students have been learning the basics of coding and will be moving into BODMAS. They have also been looking at time and have created a 'day out in the city', reading timetables, mapping out distances between venues, and for some, calculating costs of chosen activities.

If you would like to continue coding at home, click on this hyperlink: 


We will continue to meet with our buddies regularly. In Week 1, the 5/6s taught their P/1 buddies how to type on a laptop and insert a picture. The Preps and Ones left feeling very proud of their work.



We took part in a 'Water Watchers' incursion during Week 2. We learnt some facts that shocked us, such as only 1% of the Earth's water is fresh. This is why it is so precious and must not be wasted. Your child will have brought home 'Welly', who is to be placed on your tap as a daily reminder not to waste water.