Introducing our 2024 College Captains...

This week in Home Group, Executive Principal, Barbara O’Brien announced our incoming College Captains. The group of six will represent our three Neighbourhoods and student body of more than 2000.
Biyala Neighbourhood: Sabri Ibisi and Reyhaneh Hosseini
Dharnya Neighbourhood: Joanna Muli and Bella O’Dwyer
Bayuna Neighbourhood: Trinity Drain and Madeline Judd.
We caught up with our 2024 leaders this week to find out how they were feeling after finding out they were successful in these roles, and what they hope to achieve in the new school year.
Reyhaneh: Through my high school years I’ve taken on various leadership roles, including as Vice Campus Captain in Year 9 in Mooroopna and on the Student Representative Council. This year I’ve also been one of GSSC’s College Values Leaders.
As a College Captain, I hope to be a voice for the non-vocal students. I’d like to hear the ideas from students and share these with leadership to drive student-led change. I also hope, as a multicultural student, that many of my peers see themselves represented and also feel encouraged to put their hand up for leadership roles in the future.
Sabri: I haven’t taken on a leadership role in recent times, but as I’ve progressed into my senior years, I feel like I have gained the confidence to take this on and make a difference.
I’d love to work towards bridging the gap between our various school cohorts – to build on the connectedness between students, leaders and staff and ensure that every voice is heard. I hope to see more students getting involved in decision making and seeking change around the school. I hope through this role I can encourage more students to have a say.
Joanna:I knew that in my final year at school I wanted to take on a leadership role. I didn’t know whether to apply for College Captain, I felt like it was out of reach but then I decided to just go for it. The process all happened really quickly and I was so surprised to find out I got the role but so happy I decided to give it a go.
My aim through this role is to create a place where everyone feels like they belong. I’m a proud Tongan girl and my culture is everything to me. I hope that through the diversity of our group – other students see themselves represented and know that nothing is ever out of reach.
Bella:Being a College Captain is always something I wanted to do. Throughout the years I’ve taken on various leadership roles including on Student Representative Council in primary school and in Year 9 I was a House Captain at the Mooroopna Secondary College Campus.
Through this role, I want to build the aspirations of all students. I want everyone here to feel like they can achieve and to access the supports and resources available to achieve their goals, whether they be big or small.
Trinity:After being a House Captain at the Mooroopna Secondary College Campus in 2021 I knew in my senior year I wanted to take on a leadership role. I was so surprised when I found out I was successful and very happy.
Next year I’d really like to work towards strengthening connections across year levels. Vertical Home Groups introduced this year have gone some way towards achieving that, but I think we can create even more opportunities for students of all ages to connect and lean on each other for support.
Madeline:Becoming a College Captain is something I have aspired to since Year 7. Over the years I’ve taken on various leadership roles, including as a College Values Leader at GSSC this year. I’ve really enjoyed the experience and the privilege to work with students and staff to make direct change.
I’d like to use the Captaincy role work towards building opportunities where students can set goals – both personal to them and related to future careers and pathways. I think goal setting is a great way to help students feel like they’re coming to school with a purpose and to help them be more prepared and productive.