Welcome back to Term Four to all our students and families. We hope you had a fantastic break over the holidays and feel ready for the big term ahead of us!
At the end of last term, we had our “Kick Start Confidence” program. For the last three days of Term Three, all Grade 6 students from our local area attended KSC. They participated in classes as well as group activities. We know that the transition to secondary schooling is always challenging, and we are very proud to be able to offer this unique experience for the students in our area. It was wonderful to watch these students’ confidence grow over the week and we have no doubt that they will be ready and raring to go when they start with us as Year 7 students next year.
At the other end of the spectrum our Year 12 students are rapidly approaching the end of their secondary education. They should be congratulated on how they have carried themselves for the last six years, and especially through Year 12. The next few months will bring celebration as well as stress as they complete their end of year exams. This week our Year 12 students have been completing practice exams each afternoon from 3:30 – 5 and we know they will be as well prepared as possible. Good luck!
Earlier this year all students across the state completed the annual Attitudes to School Survey. Earlier this week we received the results of this survey which also showed how our results compared to “like schools” (schools from around the state similar in size and demographics), “network schools” (schools in our area) and “state” (all schools across the state). Our results were once again outstanding. In all areas of “Effective Teaching Practice”, “School Safety” and “Teacher-Student relationships” our students rated our school, on average, ahead in all comparisons with other schools. Well done to all staff and students for their commitment to ongoing improvement for our school over several years that has led to these fantastic results.
Late last term I was given the tremendous honour of being appointed as Principal of Korumburra Secondary College for the next five years. I’ve been at our school for nearly 12 years as Assistant Principal and I am very excited to lead our school and community through the next few years.