Student Engagement

We are thrilled to share with you the highlights of our recent excursion to Wangarang Industries, which is a not-for-profit Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE).  Stage 6 students had an enriching and eye-opening experience as they learned about the incredible work being done to empower people with disabilities. 


During our visit, students were guided around the facilities by CEO Kevin McGuire. We started at the Return and Earn shed where we saw firsthand how bottles and cans are separated and crushed/stored. The Orange community is really supporting the program with an enormous amount of containers being recycled every day.   


During the tour of the work shed we were greeted by many ex-students who were busy completing their tasks. Kevin explained the range of jobs available and told us that Wangarang are going to be involved with putting the labels on our next batch of wine which is exciting!


Our students asked some interesting questions during the tour, one of which was from Gypsy who asked Kevin "what does Wangarang mean?".  Kevin's response was "not many people have asked me that. Wangarang is an Aboriginal name for turtle". 


We would like to extend our gratitude to Kevin for his time and for providing our students with such a meaningful learning opportunity. We are also incredibly proud of our students for their respectful engagement and genuine curiosity throughout the visit.


Liam Low

Engagement Officer