Inside the Classroom

Early Primary - K to Year 3

Class 5 has been participating in sensory experiences to develop fine motor skills and create artwork. Fine motor skills involve small muscles working with the brain and nervous system to control movements in areas such as the hands, fingers, lips, tongue and eyes. Developing fine motor skills helps children do things like eating, writing, manipulating objects and getting dressed.

In Class 10, the students have recently been actively engaged in a variety of enriching activities. They had a delightful session creating Easter hats, during which they let their creativity shine through colourful designs and decorations. Additionally, the class has been exploring their artistic abilities by producing captivating artworks, experimenting with different materials and techniques to express themselves creatively. Amidst their artistic endeavors, they also enjoyed indulging in calming sensory experiences. From crafting Easter hats to unleashing their creativity on canvas, Class 10 continues to embrace learning through hands-on and enjoyable activities.


Class 11 

On Thursday, March 21st, Class 11 embarked on a trip to the town library. For many students, this marked their first visit to the local library. As they ventured into the children’s section, they discovered various subsections, including picture books, chapter books, informational texts, and electronic books, which were read aloud to them. This experience has sparked a newfound enthusiasm among the students for reading a variety of borrowed books in the classroom.

Billie-Jo Rutten

Assistant Principal

Upper Primary - Years 4 to 6

Class 8 has been looking at landscape artists and has been working on making their own in the classroom. They have also worked collaboratively to create an artwork celebrating Harmony Day. 

Class 12 has been going on outings, enjoying music sessions with Mrs Cooke and doing lots of painting.

Class 6 has been going to North Orange Woolies to purchase their cooking ingredients each week. They then have some fun at the Adventure Playground. Zeke was successful in finding multiple four-leaf clovers and Taio enjoyed exploring the playground. 

Class 13 has been working hard in the classroom and around the school with lots of different activities. They have been enjoying music with Mrs Cooke each Tuesday. They made some cakes for Easter. 


Kari Priest

Assistant Principal

Stage 4 - Years 7 and 8

Over the last four weeks, Stage 4 has participated in Swim school at the Orange Council Pool. The students have ranged from confident swimmers who need to practice and improve their swimming technique to children who are just beginning to gain confidence in the water. It has been wonderful to watch each student try their best and show improvement in their individual swimming abilities. 

Well done to all of the Stage 4 students. 


In class all students are trying their best as they work on various individual plans. The students continue to work to develop reading , writing and Maths skills. Through effort and practice, they are growing in understanding some difficult concepts. 


Some of the students from Class 14 were also very happy to have a visit from the Easter Bunny. 


Well done to Stage 4 this term.


Stephen Gross

Stage 4 Assistant Principal

Stage 5 - Years 9 and 10

Stage 5 has been engaged in a diverse range of learning experiences and activities over the past few weeks, both inside the classroom and outside, as a result of the brilliant weather Orange has on offer this time of the year.


Students have been focused on financial mathematics in the local economy and the exchange of money for goods and services.


During Curiosity Clubs, students have continued to develop their knowledge in Marine Studies about Tsunamis, flora and fauna at Gosling Creek, during Auslan creating a dynamic music production of Katy Perry's song Firework. Our Design & Technology students have continued to nurture the growth of their small-scale crops, whilst researching enhanced technologies in agriculture i.e. drones, water management, tractors and Artificial Intelligence (AI).


Recently Stage 5 students have also celebrated several events, bringing all students together and working collectively. They have shared knowledge, appreciation for others, and experiences. Examples included: Harmony Day, studies of food in the trenches during World War 1, and Easter. Students prepared and cooked three wonderful lunchtime meals under the careful and watchful eye of Ms. Edwards, Mrs Hargraves and Mr. Tabbernor - Tacos, Singapore Noodles and Australian Chicken Wings and the heritage behind the dishes and cultures discussed. 



In Science students have developed an appreciation of electrical circuits, with hands-on practical circuit board building, generating power via lemons and potatoes. Batteries have also been used to generate power and lighting light bulbs.



Stage 5 has worked well throughout the term and they should all be proud of their individual growth and achievements.



Mr Hugh Rasmussen

Assistant Principal

Stage 6 - Years 11 and 12

Students in years 11 and 12 have been very busy this term, with some students starting their work experience within the school at mini-woolies and barista and a group have started their offsite work experience at Wangarang Industries. 

Harmony Day was a great success with students enjoying the process of researching a country, cooking a meal and then sharing it with their Stage 6 friends over a long lunch. 

Students enjoyed trying Chinese, Mexican and Lebanese foods. Our stage 6 Harmony bracelets were a huge success with students making beaded and loom band bracelets to share with friends. 

Primary Industry students were kept very busy during harvest week. They assisted in the harvest of our grapes over 3 days and worked well alongside students from Orange High School and James Sheahan. They hope to soon visit Phillip Shaw's vineyard to assist with labelling and observe the process of winemaking. 


Stage 6 students enjoyed a very special visit from the Easter Bunny and were great leaders assisting the primary classes in their Easter hat parade and games. 

Jess Hodder 

Assistant Principal 

Orange Learning Centre

We have welcomed some new students into the Tutorial classes in the last few weeks and all have settled in well.

We have continued to harvest some of the vegetables from last year and are working hard to put this into our weekly cooking.



Class 21 has continued to make strong connections with classes on the main site, joining them for the Easter Hat Parade as well as literacy activities in classes.

Class 20 have created some amazing 2D and 3D art pieces, using crayons and clay. Class 21 is focusing on developing regulation techniques, using diagrams of a hand to remind them of their successful strategies.

There have also been some hotly contested basketball happening on the court in the last weeks, as well as enjoying kicking a footy on the oval. We are enjoying the sunshine while it lasts.

Kate Griffen 

Head Teacher OLC