Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

With the recent final burst of warm weather, we have been focusing on continuing to wear our hats and use sunblock to protect our skin from harmful Ultra-Violet rays. Now with Autumn arriving the mornings are crisp and the air cool. Please ensure your child has layers of clothing that can be added or removed depending on the beautiful Orange climate.


All of our uniform is available to purchase from Orange Clothing Company and it is an expectation that all students wear the correct school uniform or clothing items that have been approved by the Principal. Please make sure the student's name is written on all items of clothing so they can be located if lost. 


PBL Superstars for Term 1:


Congratulations to these students who have been recognised as respectful, responsible and safe learners throughout Term 1.


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator and Deputy Principal


Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)

Every day for the past 8 and a half years, our school executives have sent out a positive email to over 100 schools across Australia and New Zealand. These emails started after Ms Pritchard and Mrs Meers presented at an International conference in Adelaide, South Australia in 2016 and offered the audience the opportunity to receive a positive message each day. Research has shown that integrating positive messages into people's lives has boosted their confidence, motivation, empowerment, and satisfaction, specifically for those who have mental health concerns or stress.


Each day has a different theme:

  • Mindful Monday or Make a Difference Monday
  • Tune in Tuesday
  • Walk it our Wednesday
  • Three Things Thursday or Think About it Thursday
  • Fabulous Friday or Free Your Mind Friday


Jenny Rosser

PWL Coordinator and Deputy Principal