Year 5/6 News

Radhika and Ramisa


By Avyan Somani

We have recently been studying various shapes and nets. These are some of the discoveries we have made in Maths over the last few weeks. 

Question 1: What are shapes? 

A shape can be defined as the form of an object or its outline, outer boundary or outer surface. 


Question 2: What are 2D shapes? 

2D shapes are shapes that have vertices, edges, and 1 face. 2D shapes are flat. 


Question 3: What are 3D shapes? 

3D shapes have vertices, edges, and faces. 3D shapes can stand. They have height, length, and width.  3D shapes have volume. 




By Avyan Somani

In English we are learning about narrative writing. We recently completed our NAPLAN in which we learnt about this specific text type. Here are some common questions on narratives, answered by Avyan Somani in 56B. 

Question 1: What are narratives?

Narratives are stories. We can write small and long stories. They can start with a sizzling start. Like starting from the character's name.


Question 2: How do you write a narrative?

Firstly, choose a topic.  Secondly, craft a body which includes an introduction, body, climax, resolution and ending. Lastly, read and check your mistakes and rewrite them and then you are done! 

In reading, we learnt about STEAL and how to use it in order to enhance our characters within our narratives. 

Inquiry / STEM

During Inquiry we were creating our railway tracks and train for Federation. We have added in a light or fan that moves using a motor which was very fun to create! We have been working on this project for a while and it is all coming together for our Go Public! 


In Wellbeing we covered the use of positive and negative emotions, students were required to complete a role play of how emotions can impact the day of a new student. The presentations at the end were entertaining and exciting! 


Summer Basketball Gala 2024

By Khadijah Abdulsalam

Summer Gala was fun because our school tried out best. We ended up getting 3rd place in the finals in Basketball. The other school students were really nice to us and gave us a chance to score. It was super exciting and I was really proud of us.


Summer Cricket Gala by Rafsan Rawan

The Summer Gala was a experience. In cricket, we could not win many matches but it was still fun, entertaining and challenging. Gurnaaz worked his hardest. Overall, Summer Gala was really fun.


In Cricket, Clayton North B team came 9th. It was team work, which made it really memorable. The best experience was seeing others play so well and giving it their best shot. 








We have had a lovely time with our chickens in the past two weeks. They have laid some eggs, which are available to purchase, should anyone from our families and communities like to buy them. Our chickens are gearing up for the holidays and will be enjoying a cooler change. We would like to thank Kathy and Jenny for helping us maintain the garden and chickens over this term!