Year 1/2 News

Hourig, Dilan and Belinda


Over the past few weeks in Year 1/2, the students have been working hard on their Inquiry project. Their challenge was to select and research something that has changed over time. In pairs, one person would create a 3-dimensional object of the present and one of the past. Students came up with many great ideas which included transport, shelter, technology, schools and toys. They also enjoyed sharing their learning journey at our 'Go Public' on Wednesday with families and at our Assembly with the school community.

Making past and present televisions
Making past and present trucks
Design of an old television
Making past and present televisions
Making past and present trucks
Design of an old television


Harmony Day

Harmony Day was embraced and celebrated by the Year 1/2 classes.  The students looked amazing with their cultural clothes and their performances were well presented. We look forward to sharing food and future performances in Term 2.

1/2A & 1/2B Harmony Day performance
1/2A & 1/2B Harmony Day performance
1/2C cultural art work created and worn in their performance
1/2C cultural art work created and worn in their performance


Students have been focusing on place value, reading numbers, creating numbers and understanding the value of these. They used a range of materials to support their learning, one of them being playing cards!


The students have been progressing through the writing process and have been learning about the different stages of writing. Recently, they have been focusing on the brainstorming and planning phase for their narratives. In the upcoming term, the students will continue to develop their writing skills by drafting, editing, and publishing their ideas.