Assistant Principal's News

Josie Burt

Congratulations Families, Students, and Staff on a fantastic first term!



Harmony Day

Thank you to our school community for embracing this day - it celebrates what makes Clayton North such an inclusive and harmonious school. We heard songs that shared the message of harmony and songs that celebrated Australia's First Nations people. It was inspiring to see classes incorporate Auslan to make their performance even more inclusive.



Families will be sent a link to the assembly and their child's class performance. We remind you that these videos should not be shared on social media platforms.


We will celebrate Cultural Diversity Day on the May 21 with an assembly of cultural performances and a shared multicultural lunch.


On Monday 25th March, all students participated in a fantastic collection of activities that allowed them to experience Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. Thank you to Radhika, Sean, Kathie, Bronwyn and Arne for organising wonderful hands-on learning opportunities. We were so pleased to continue our partnership with South Oakleigh Secondary College, which sent a group of students to demonstrate how to engineer a paper rocket using lung power to launch it.



NAPLAN testing has been completed for this year. I am so proud of the 'can-do' attitude our Year 3 and 5 students demonstrated throughout the testing period. For many students, it was their first time doing an online assessment. 

Thank you to our supportive and well-prepared teachers for making the test sessions a smooth event. We expect to begin receiving results in June. Parents will be sent their child's results after this. 

ICAS Assessments

Information will be sent out in Compass early in Term 2 regarding how to enrol in ICAS tests. Clayton North facilitates the participation of our students in these assessments each year. ICAS tests include Digital Technologies, Writing, English, Science, Spelling and Maths. These tests are paid for by the parents and are an optional choice - there is no expectation for students to participate.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays!