Specialist News

Bronwyn, Geraldine, Vimala, Rebecca and Jenny

Parent Conversation Group at CNPS

Would you like to make friends and improve your spoken English? Then this Conversation Group is for you! 


When:  Thursdays in Term 2, beginning   Thursday May 2nd

Time:  Thursday, 1.30 – 2.25pm

Where:  Parent Room

Organiser: Geraldine (EAL Teacher)



If you  are interested please email Geraldine at:   geraldine.obrien2@education.vic.gov.au

Performing Arts

The Rhythm of Life African Drumming incursion was a great way to celebrate Harmony Day and it was a wonderful way for the students to see the aspects of music that they have been learning about, happening right in front of their eyes (and ears).


This term, the students have been learning about the elements of music, and the things that go together to make music. Mohammed and Anna demonstrated and talked about lots of the elements we have been learning about; volume, pitch, beat, rhythm, and structure.  It was a fabulous learning and celebrating experience for us all.


Art Room News

Bunny Sculpture Easter Competition

Springvale Homemaker Centre invited our school to decorate two bunny sculptures to be displayed in their shopping centre. Students in Years 5/6 agreed on Japanese Kawaii art which is a cute cartoon style of drawing. All Year 5/6 students contributed to the design and decoration as well as a few Year 3/4 students.

You can see the sculptures at Springvale Homemakers Centre and vote for our school to win by scanning the QR code beside our sculpture/s.  The winning school will receive a $3000 shopping centre voucher! The competition is running from the 28th March to 11th April and we hope to get a lot of our Clayton North community down to the Homemakers Centre to vote and support our school. So spread the word and tell your friends and family! 

Foundation Art – Colour and Emotions

Students in Foundation have been learning about emotions in Art class and learnt how we can express emotions through colour and facial features. They read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and created a collage based on one of the characters from the story.  They also practised drawing people using simple shapes and drew their own self portrait. 


Year 3/4 Printmaking

Students in Years 3/4 studied Aboriginal X-ray art which is a prehistoric art form in which animals are depicted by drawing or painting the skeletal frame and internal organs. Students used this style as inspiration to create a print of an Australian animal. Check out some of their fabulous prints.