1L News

Term Two Class Newsletter Year 1L

Welcome Back


We hope you had a Happy Easter holiday and enjoyed some quality family time.

Term Two is an exciting one with our Athletics

Day, ‘Mother’s and Special Friends’ Celebration, along with our famous Friendship Fair Day.


  • Please label drink bottles, lunch boxes, and jumpers (Term two is a good term for a raincoat to be left in school bags)
  • Brainfood (fruit/ vegetable or yoghurt) is eaten at 10am every morning
  • No nuts, please
  • Please ensure you are receiving our school's fortnightly newsletter and connected to our Class Dojo. For any issues please contact the school: office@sjmalvern.catholic.edu.au



Students will continue their nightly reading routine. Thank you for the overwhelming support and commitment towards our reader program in Term 1. Please ensure that your child’s reader log book is filled out each night and that your child brings their reader bag into school each day to change their reader. We are happy to sign books daily, and would love to witness the books once a week.


  • S - Stay Safe
  • T - Try your best
  • A - act responsibility
  • R - Respect yourself and others

Assembly awards will be given out to students who demonstrate the STAR values




There are five essential and interdependent components of effective, evidence-based reading instruction that we follow at St Joseph’s in Prep, Year One and Two.


       ● Phonemic awareness: Knowledge of, and capacity to manipulate, the smallest                     distinct sounds (phonemes) in spoken words.


         Phonics: Learning and using the relationships between sounds and letter symbols              to sound out (decode) written words.

  • Fluency: The ability to read accurately, quickly, and expressively. Fluent readers can focus on reading for meaning.
  • Vocabulary: The words children need to know to comprehend and communicate. Oral vocabulary is the words children recognise or use in listening and speaking. Reading vocabulary is the words children recognise or use in reading and writing.
  • Comprehension: Extracting and constructing meaning from oral and written text using knowledge of words, concepts, facts, and ideas.

These 5 components are taught consistently through the weekly lessons.



Writing is taught explicitly and sequentially in the lessons. It begins at the basic sentence level and builds to the construction of recounts and narratives. Students are also taught the accompanying grammar and punctuation when writing sentences.


Speaking & Listening

We have regular opportunities for the students to learn the skills of speaking and listening. Informal opportunities to share in class in small groups and whole class sessions as well as weekly ‘Show & Share’. Show and Share will begin in Week 3. 


This term, students will be participating in ‘Show & Share’ fortnightly. Further information is at the end of this newsletter.



In Year 1 we have a strong focus on addition and subtraction. We will regularly review these two operations as well as build a conceptual understanding of multiplication and division.


This term, we will continue focusing on the following areas for our learning: 

Number & Algebra

  • Counting and Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Measurement & Geometry                                                                                       
  • Time: Telling the time, calendars, and seasons

Statistics & Probability

  • Data: Posing a question, collecting, representing and interpreting data.




Biological sciences

Living things have a variety of external features and live in different places where their basic needs, including food, water, and shelter are met.


Earth and space sciences

Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape; daily and seasonal changes affect everyday life


In religion class, we dive into the idea that beauty and goodness are part of what makes up God's creation. We also learn about stewardship in the Catholic Tradition, which is all about taking care of the environment. Through reflection, we ponder our connections with God, ourselves, others, and the natural world. And we try to find practical ways to protect the environment that help the common good of all.

Term Two Dates

Monday 15th April

School Closure Day - Sta            Professional Development


Thursday 25th AprilANZAC Day
Wednesday 1st MaySt Joseph’s Feast Day - hosted by Year 1
Friday 10th MayMother’s Day Liturgy
Friday 24th May1L Assembly
Thursday 6th JuneAthletics Carnival (parent helpers needed)
Friday 7th June1C Assembly
Wednesday 26th June2:45pm - Year One Open Book and Liturgy
Friday 28th June

End of Term 2

Friendship Fair Day

LIBRARY DAY IS: Tuesday for 1L & Thursday for 1C

CLASS SPORT DAY IS: Monday (sports, uniform and runners)

PHYSICAL EDUCATION DAY IS: Wednesday (sports uniform and runners)


Contact Information

Please send all communications regarding student absences and appointments to

office@sjmalvern.catholic.edu.au  and include me in the email. Please note we do not use Dojo messaging and all communication is through email or by calling the office. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. We are always here to assist and support you and your family. 

Teachers: Meg Correy, Luisa La Rosa Email address:




Junior Leader: Marta Cummings

Email: marta.cummings@sjmalvern.catholic.edu.au

Weekly Timetable Term Two



Show and Share Timetable Term Two

 Week 1 & 2No show and share  
 Week 3 & 4Do you prefer nighttime or daytime? Why? What do you do during this time?  
 Week 5 & 6Share one of your favourite creations of God.  
 Week 7 & 8Choose your favourite animal (it can be your pet) and share some interesting facts!  
 Week 9 & 10Share one way you care for God’s creation.  
 Week 11

Free choice - all students will be sharing on their respective days this week.



Odd Weeks

















Even Weeks    













