Health, Safety & Wellbeing 

Kiss and Drop Protocols

We ask that you please remember the following procedures when using Kiss and Drop:

  • Cars are not permitted to turn right (across the tram tracks) from Glenferrie Road to enter Kiss and Drop or turn right into Glenferrie Road, when exiting Kiss and Drop.
  • Please look left and right for pedestrians before driving out of the gates, and be respectful of all our school community members and the general public.
  • Please make sure that your family name is on the visor of your car so we can have the children ready (Laminated surnames for Kiss and Drop have been sent home).  
  • Parents need to keep their engines running.
  • Parents are not to get out of their cars.
  • Children have to be able to do their own seat belts up when they are placed in the car.
  • Children enter and exit the vehicle from the left hand side of the car (school building side).
  • Children's bags must be kept in the car (not the boot), so children or staff members can safely take these out. For obvious safety reasons, staff are unable to take bags from behind the car. Thanks for your understanding with this important safety measure. 

Please note: There is no pedestrian access at any time through the Glenferrie Road double gates. This is for cars only. 


We ask that you pass this information on to any person who uses this service.


Thank you for your support, understanding and cooperation with these important safety protocols that are in place to keep our school and community safe.


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing of ALL our school community continues to be important to us at Sacred Heart Kew. 


Cleaning and Hygiene 

Our school buildings and classrooms continue to be regularly cleaned.


Our children and staff continue to practise regular hygiene practices each day, with both soap and Hand sanitiser available for use in all areas of the school.


Air Purifiers

Air Purifiers are in all classroom/learning spaces, including 'high traffic' areas across the school. These continue to operate throughout the school each day.    


Children who are unwell

A reminder of the importance of children not attending school if they are feeling unwell, however mild their symptoms may be. 


If a child presents as unwell, parents will be contacted immediately to collect their child.  As you can appreciate we are unable to have unwell children remain at school.


Children should not return to school until all symptoms have been resolved. 


Thanks to all parents for your support and cooperation with the above items as we do our very best to keep all school community members healthy and safe in 2024.

Helping to make school crossings safer for everyone (a message from Boroondara Council)


Respect school crossing supervisors’ instructions


School Crossing Supervisors play a vitally important role in ensuring the safety of children and our wider community at our school crossings. They are carefully selected for these roles for their diligence toward safety and their passion for working with the community and with families.

  • One blast of the supervisor’s whistle means stopping immediately
  • Two blasts of a whistle mean it is safe to cross
  • Students should not stand too close to the road while waiting to be instructed to cross by the supervisor
  • Students should keep together and walk quickly and directly to the opposite footpath

Please note that school crossing supervisors do not have the authority to enforce parking restrictions. Their sole responsibility is assisting children to cross the road safely. If you need assistance with enforcing parking restrictions, please contact me at 9278 4774.


Respect the road rules and parking signs


Illegal parking in a school zone is not only inconsiderate to other motorists, it threatens the safety of students. If our parking officers witness a motorist breaking any of the following traffic rules, they will issue them with a fine.

  • Double-parking restricts the view of other drivers, obstructs traffic flow, and means children have to get out of the car onto the road. It also blocks the passage of any emergency vehicles that might need to pass.
  • School crossings are there to ensure children cross the road safely. Parking within 20 metres before or 10 metres after a designated school crossing is illegal.
  • The designated Kiss and Ride areas outside schools are No Parking, with a maximum two-minute standing time. This gives parents enough time to kiss and drop off/collect their kids before moving on to allow the next car to follow suit.
  • School zone speed limits are clearly signposted and must be adhered to.

Walk or ride to school with your child


Walking or riding to school with your child is a healthy and enjoyable way to avoid the inevitable traffic snarls at drop-off or pick-up time.

  • If you must drive, consider parking a few streets away and accompanying your child on foot the rest of the way.

If you would like any more information about keeping your school zone safe during drop-off and pick-up periods, please contact me at 9278 4774.


Best wishes


Aysegul Altug

Senior Support Officer - SXP

Civic Services | Urban Living


8 Inglesby Rd, Camberwell, 3124 Victoria

(03) 9278 4774 | 0419 240 857