School News

St Therese's Church, Bathurst, Tiwi Islands
A thank you from Fr. Niran Veigas, SVD
Parish Priest, Our Lady of Peace and St. Therese,
Bathurst, Tiwi Islands, NT, Australia
You might recall that last year (2023), we held a fundraiser on the last day of Term 3, raising money for the restoration works of St Therese’s Church on Bathurst (Tiwi Islands). All East Central Zone Principal Network Schools’ (ECZPN) held fundraising events after Principals visited Bathurst, Tiwi Islands in July last year. These schools’ raised $7,388 to contribute towards the restoration works.
Please see below for a thank you letter to our school and community from Fr. Niran Veigas, SVD (Parish Priest - Our Lady of Peace and St. Therese, Bathurst, Tiwi Islands).
Thanks once again for your generosity and support of St Therese’s Church, Bathurst, Tiwi Islands.
English Immersion Morning
Thank you to the families who were able to attend the English Immersion Morning on Monday. We hope that you enjoyed visiting your child's classroom and that you have learnt more about how English is taught at Sacred Heart Kew, especially the Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL) Program in the Junior grades. Thank you to Penny Webb from LLLL who presented the information to families, prior to the classroom visits.
Sports Day 2024
What a great day we all had at Sports Day yesterday. Fast running, personal bests, colour, fun and delicious hot dogs formed just part of the day. Well done to all children for their participation and support of their peers, chanting and cheering each long distance and sprint effort.
Congratulations to Blue House who won the Sports Day Trophy and congratulations to Silver House who won the Team Spirit award this year. Well done to both Nadia Phan and Joel McGrath who won their respective Champions Race. Such grace and speed from both these children as they lit up the track against quality opposition.
For days such as these to be successful, many people play a role. Thank you to our Year 6 Leaders, especially our House Captains who admirably led their House teams and their chants, pledged the athletes oath and supported 'Kaboom' with the CRAZY AND FUN Tabloid Sports for our younger children. Your leadership was very impressive.
Thank you to our Year 5 parents who cooked the hot dogs for everyone to enjoy at lunchtime. We really do appreciate all the support we receive from our parents and Parents' Association. Especially when you fill our stomachs after exercise!
Thanks to all our staff members who pitched in over the last few days and helped with the setup and pack up, pinned ribbons, marshalled and judged our athletes, kept the score, attended to the injured and supervised house areas. Many thanks to all our parents, family members and special friends who were able to join us during the day. We loved your presence and support.
Last, but by no means least, a MASSIVE thanks to Mr O'Shea who organised this fun filled day. A special mention and well done to Mr O'Shea for marking out the track this year, in Mr O'Donnell's absence. Turns out, it's a more difficult task than it looks. A fantastic 2024 Sports Day! Well done to all.
Richmond Football Club Workshop
Last Tuesday we welcomed players from the Richmond Football Club to answer questions about their life and football. This was part of the AFL Victoria and Richmond FC Primary School Player Appearances. Our students prepared the following questions for Tom Lynch, Shai Bolton, Daniel Rioli, Maurice Rioli Jr and Ben Miller.
If you weren't a footy player, what would you want to be?
What does it feel like to play in front of 80,000+ people at the MCG?
Do you have any pre-game traditions or routines?
Which team do you like playing against the most?
What was the hardest match you ever played in?
How does a typical week look for you and how many days a week do you train?
If you weren’t playing for Richmond what other team would you want to play for?
What happens when you get injured during a game? Where do the physios take you and what do they do with you?
What jersey number are you and why? Is your jersey number significant to you?
What is your favourite ground to play on?
Who was your favourite player growing up?
What’s the best advice your Mum or Dad ever gave you ?
Who is the hardest competitor you have had to play on?
Which team do you like playing against the most and which team do you like beating?
At school did you have a favourite teacher? Why?
Lent at Sacred Heart Kew
The Egg Drop Challenge was a COMPLETE and EGGZCITING success, with many children creating extremely sturdy creations, allowing their egg to drop safely from the Fireman's Pole in the Senior Adventure Playground at recess time today.
Congratulations to all children who entered the challenge and took home a chocolate bunny. Thanks to everyone for their time, efforts and gold coin donations.
A special thanks to the Raffoul family for generously donating the eggs that travelled from a great height and many thanks to Mr Millane for organising all the fun and this EGGZTRAVAGANZA on our final day of Term One.
Holy Week Paraliturgies
On Monday we celebrated our Palm Sunday Paraliturgy in the MPR. Today we celebrated both Holy Thursday and Good Friday.
Thank you to Mr Millane for all his organisation and thanks to all the children who led our Holy Week Paraliturgies this week. These were beautiful moments where we remembered Jesus' final days on earth. Thanks also to Father Trevor for joining us this morning. We loved sharing the occasion with you.
Term 2 Camps
Next term our Year 4 students will be attending Bayview Adventure Camp (formerly Grantville Lodge) in Grantville from Monday 29 April to Wednesday 1 May.
Year 5/6 students will participate in a 2 night camp at Lady Northcote Discovery Camp, Glenmore from Monday 13 May to Wednesday 15 May. On Thursday 16 May, the students will be going to Gravity Zone, Seaford, and on Friday 17 May, they will attend Rush HQ, Rowville.
More information will be communicated in the next few weeks via Operoo. Please ensure all Medical Forms are updated and uploaded on Operoo.
School Counsellor
Have you ever wondered what school counselling involves? Sometimes children and young people find living in our demanding, complex world difficult to navigate. This can impact their social, emotional and educational development. School Counselling is a confidential service offered at Sacred Heart Kew that assists students who may be experiencing small or big problems such as:
- worries
- friendships concerns
- trouble sleeping
- anger
- low self-esteem
- family tensions
The counsellor helps students to discuss their tricky feelings, understand their thoughts and behaviours, and provide coping strategies to reduce and mitigate symptoms before they become worse. Counselling sessions are a positive and fun experience, and can promote good help-seeking behaviour. Class observations are also offered by the school counsellor to gain further insight on how their emotional world is impacting student’s classroom behaviour.
Elise, our school counsellor, is available on Tuesdays in 2024. Parents are welcome to reach out to discuss if counselling is the right fit for them and their child. Please contact the School Office
Garden Club
The next Garden Club will meet on Wednesday 24 April.
A reminder that ALL children are invited to Garden Club on a Wednesday (every fortnight) from 7.50am. Please remember to drop your children around 7.50am as the Glenferrie Rd pedestrian gate will be closed by 8am.
Running Club
All children from Years 3 - 6 are welcome to attend Running Club with Mr O'Shea and Mr Millane every Friday morning from 7:45am. Our next Running Club will be Friday 19 April.
Here's what you need to know......
- Children will need to bring their own water bottle and perhaps a small towel
- Enter from the Glenferrie Road pedestrian gate
- All fitness levels are welcome
- Along with running, there will be some fitness circuits and health-related learning involved including: stretching, breathing, tempo running, warm up and cool down (process), making use of smart watches and fitbit's
Term 2 School Assemblies
All parents are welcome to attend our Assemblies which take place in the MPR on Fridays at 2.30pm (see below dates). From Term 2, classes will be timetabled to present an item to the school community.
Term 2 Assemblies:
Week 1 - Friday 19 April (No Spotlight on Learning)
Week 2 - Friday 26 April (School Closure Day)
Week 3 - Friday 3 May (Wellbeing Groups-No Assembly)
Week 4 - Friday 10 May (No Spotlight on Learning)
Week 5 - Friday 17 May (No Assembly)
Week 6 - Friday 24 May (Year 5/6 Spotlight on Learning)
Week 7 - Friday 31 May (Year 4 Spotlight on Learning)
Week 8 - Friday 7 June (No Spotlight on Learning)
Week 9 - Friday 14 June (No Spotlight on Learning)
Week 10 - Friday 21 June (Wellbeing Groups-No Assembly)
Week 11 - Friday 28 June (End of Term 2 12:45pm-No Assembly)
2024 Term Dates
Term 1
Thurs 1 February (Students begin) – Thurs 28 March (12:45pm finish)
Term 2
Mon 15 April – Fri 28 June (12:45pm finish)
Term 3
Mon 15 July – Fri 20 September (12:45pm finish)
Term 4
Mon 7 October - Tue 17 December (12:45pm finish)
2024 School Closure Days
The following days and dates will be School Closure Days in 2024:
Term 2
Thursday 25 April (ANZAC Day)
Friday 26 April (Time in lieu day for staff) *
Monday 10 June (King’s Birthday Public Holiday)
Term 3
Term 4
Monday 4 November (Time in lieu day for staff) *
Tuesday 5 November (Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday)
Friday 6 December (Staff Planning for 2025 School Closure Day)
Children finish on Tuesday 17 December at 12.45pm
Wednesday 18 December (Time in lieu day for staff) *
As was communicated to families towards the end of last year...
* Time in Lieu (TIL)
The new Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2022 (the Agreement) introduces a formal time in lieu (TIL) process for teachers. The Agreement provides that a principal may require a teacher to undertake work and attend a school activity outside the normal hours of attendance (i.e., in excess of the 38 hours or normal hours for a part-time teacher) and when this occurs, it will attract TIL.
Principals should prepare for the accrual and acquittal of TIL through their annual planning process. The timing of the acquittal of TIL is at the discretion of the principal, having regard to the operational needs of the school and causing the least disruption to the educational program of the school.
Principals may elect to acquit TIL through designating days during the year on which all staff and students are not required to attend school. For 2024, there are opportunities to acquit TIL for the whole school on the following days:
Friday April 26 (day after ANZAC Day);
Monday November 4 (day before Cup Day);
early finishes on the last days of Terms 1, 2 and 3;
end of Term 4 from Wednesday 18 December.
Please note that no primary school students should be dismissed from schools prior to Tuesday 17 December 2024 – this is their earliest finish date