Deputy Principal

Term 2
Term 2 commences Monday 15 April. In Term 2, students may start wearing their Winter Uniform as the weather gets cooler. All students must be in their full Winter Uniform from Monday 13 May.
St John's First Aid Program
On Monday, all students participated in the St John's First Aid Schools Program to promote an awareness of basic first aid knowledge.
Multicultural Day
Last Friday we celebrated Multicultural Day at Sacred Heart Kew, developing student awareness and respect of different cultures. Our Year 6 Wellbeing Leaders, Beatrix, Eden and Huage, planned and led the Dress Up Parade in the morning. It was fantastic to see the variety of vibrant costumes that reflected the many cultures at our school.
Over the past few weeks, the Year 6 students have been busy researching and organising the best 'game' activities to teach the younger students. They were asked to choose games from different cultures, explain the history of the game and teach the skills required to play the game.
Throughout the day, all students completed a Multicultural Day booklet which aimed to deepen their knowledge and understanding of different countries around the world.
All students participated in the Didgeridoo, Beats and Culture Performance run by Didgeridoo Australia. We welcomed Barama Blow (Baz), a proud Goreng Goreng (Bundaberg)/Noonuccal (North Stradbroke Island) man and Sean Candy, a descendant of the Palawa people of Tasmania.
Baz and Sean demonstrated the unique sound of the didgeridoo, animal sounds and solo rhythms accompanied by dynamic, original, electronic beats. The students also learnt about the history of the didgeridoo and its making, traditional bush food, hunting tools, musical instruments, and arts & crafts.
Thank you to our wonderful Parents' Association for providing a pizza lunch for staff and students. The children thoroughly enjoyed their cheesy, Margarita pizza. The day ended with all students gathering in their Wellbeing Groups and engaging in a fun crafty activity related to a country.
Jess Wilson Easter Colouring Competition
Thank you for participating in the Jess Wilson Easter Colouring Competition. It was wonderful to see the competition embraced by so many students. Nearly 1000 entries were received from children attending school in the suburb of Kew.
Congratulations to Eden M (6AP) and Lucinda V (3GR) who won the Jess Wilson Easter Colouring Competition for Sacred Heart Kew. Eden and Lucinda enjoyed afternoon tea with Jess Wilson at her office on Wednesday afternoon, where they received their prizes as winners for Sacred Heart Kew.
School Photos
A reminder that Summer Uniform is to be worn on School Photo Day.
A reminder that children are asked to please only bring $2 with them to school each Friday in a labelled purse/wallet or a zip lock bag.
We also ask for your support in ensuring that your child does not order too many items e.g. 3 icy poles, as they are unable to eat everything in the given time. Please talk to your child about the suggested items to buy before Tuckshop day.
For Child Safety and OH&S compliance, children of parents assisting in the tuckshop, are not allowed to enter the kitchen area. They must line up at the window.
Many thanks for your support and assistance with this.