Beyond the Classroom

Chess Club - IntraSchool Chess Tournament Winners

During Term One, we had many students take part in our IntraSchool Tournament. The competition was fierce with the results of this being that all of the competitors skills increased exponentially. 



Brad Walker winning against Mr Smith
Brad Walker winning against Mr Smith


If any students would like to join our Chess Club, please come along to the library and speak to our wonderful Chess Coordinator, Mr De Lima. 


Chess Club is on at the following times (in the library):


Monday, Tuesday and Friday Recess - Week A

Monday, Thursday and Friday Recess - Week B

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Lunchtime - Weeks A & B


The Final Leaderboard for the tournament appears below. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Hrishav1st Place               
Brodie2nd Place
Brad3rd Place
Callum1st Place               
Yath2nd Place
Mia3rd Place
Chloe   1st Place                     
Lockie2nd Place
Lovepreet3rd Place
Sinsarut 'Q'1st Place                                                        
Sebastian2nd Place
Patrick3rd Place

Philosophy Cafe

On Mondays at lunchtime, our Philosophy Cafe members come together in B12 to ponder the important questions in life! It's a great group of students from all year levels, and with Ms Ward as your guide, you can ponder life, the universe and everything! New members are always welcome.

Don't Hate, Advocate

Are you passionate about social justice or perhaps you are just interested in finding out what it is all about? Come along to A10 during the first part of lunchtime on Thursdays - make some new friends - and have a lovely chat to Ms Erjavec and the Don't Hate, Advocate group. There are some fabulous events coming up in Term Two that you can be a part of.

Art Club and Digital Art Club

Why not express your creativity and come to Art Club on Wednesdays at lunchtime (in B10) or Digital Art Club on Fridays at lunchtime (in B9). You don't have to be a Picasso or a Beeple - just be yourself and feel free to draw, paint or doodle.


Would you like to be a part of our Malonga Magazine creation?


The Malonga Magazine is our College Yearbook. You could design the front or back covers or produce artwork for the pages of the magazine. Prizes will be awarded for contributions that make it to the final copy. 


If you are interested in finding our more, come along to Art Club in Term 2.


Our STEM Club has had a very successful term one. Ms Kosciuk has created some great fun design and engineering challenges for our students - with huge amounts of laughter, creativity and skill building occurring throughout the lunchtime period with the many triumphs and last minute design 'tweaks' from our students creations!


First up next term we have an exciting catapult 'with paint' experiment planned, to create some abstract artwork incorporating science, engineering, mathematical and artistic skills all at the same time - phew!


If you would like to join STEM Club - come along on Thursdays at lunchtime to B5.

PSC Clubs & Activities

All students are welcome to join any of the below clubs and activities (SRC by application/invitation only). If you have any questions, please speak to the Club Coordinator.