Star Students 

Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Billie C        2DFor your amazing writing about Little red and the Grey Wolf.
Danika S    3/4EFor excellent work adding large numbers.
Tait L1/2CFor amazing reading at home.
Minnie C1/2CFor being a quiet achiever and working hard in class.
Bethany C1/2CFor working to the best of her abilities on set tasks.
Bruce K1/2CFor challenging himself to write longer pieces.
Kai M5/6GFor Outstanding effort.
Eddie P5/6GFor brilliant reading.
Chase N5/6GFor persistence in maths.
Logan M3/4FFor his creativity and ideas in writing. Amazing work!
Mia P3/4FFor increasing confidence and participation in discussions.
Cayden F3/4FFor his awesome effort this week.
Megan S00BFor determination, hard work and big friendly smile.
Tully B00BFor his love of learning and hard work.
Ollie M00AFor always being kind.
Billy P00AFor working so hard in Maths.
Maeve T00AFor reaching level 4 in Blitzmaster.
Shae W00AFor always being organised.
Marlee T3/4EFor and engaging and descriptive written passage about The Tree Giant.