Assistant Principal's  Report

Miss Carly Epskamp

Welcome to our first newsletter of Term Two. I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing 2 week Easter break. We are now well into Term Two and students are doing lots of great work. 



Well done to the 260 DPS students that have achieved 100% attendance in March. The following students are just some of those 260 that have achieved excellent attendance. Well done Audrey PM, Jaxon PM, Heman 1L, Elsa 1G, Cindy 2F, Ethan 2M, Sharleez 3P, Mason 3Bm Torres 4S, Chanel 4S, Max 5K, Sophie 5E and Noah 6S.

Remember: it is not okay to be away!


Grade Six Camp

Our Level Six students are having a great time at their Canberra Camp. They left for Canberra on Monday, 22 April. So far, they have visited the Australian High Court where they learnt the process of appealing cases in Australia's highest court. Next, they visited the Australian Parliament House where students got to see the House of Representatives and Senate got to role-play passing a bill in parliament. On Tuesday, students visited the Australian War Memorial where they walked through different galleries and displays commemorating Australia's fallen soldiers. On Tuesday night, students had a night guided tour of the Australian National Botanical Gardens. Students witnessed Australian foreigner and flora by the light of a full moon. On Wednesday students had the opportunity to visit the Australian Mint exhibition where they learnt how Australian circulating and collectible coins are manufactured. We look forward to hearing more about their adventures at the end of this week when they arrive home.

Here are some quotes from Level Six students:  


Edward X 6S - The camp so far has been a legendary experience and many moments of happiness. The food has been brilliant and delicious and every activity has been a joy. So far I have really enjoyed the camp and I really say this is a great opportunity to learn and have fun with my teachers and friends. 


Aryana S 6J - I have really enjoyed learning new things educationally on the camp. The most interesting thing I have learnt is about the House of Representatives and the Senate and how they make laws. I love the food. My favourite has been the pancakes and the pasta we had on the first night. My cabin has been really good and we have a lot of fun inside it. 


A HUGE thank you to Mrs Corfios and the Grade Six Team for planning the Canberra Camp. The time dedicated to the thorough planning led to a very successful time in Canberra and the students are having a fabulous time. A huge thank you to Mrs Corfios, Mr Johnson, Mrs Milanese, Miss Curtolo, Mrs Scopas, Mr Spinks, Mx Dutlow and Miss El-Bay who accompanied our students to their Canberra Camp. It is such a memorable and special experience to share. 



Anzac Day   

On Tuesday, Mrs Keen and nine of our Year Five students were invited to participate in the Templestowe RSL Schools ANZAC ceremony. We were honoured to participate in such an event as there were over 600 children present from 29 different schools across Manningham. The group saw the Mayor of Manningham as well as our local Member of Parliament, Hon. Keith Wolohan, as well as other special guests. There was a woodwind band playing as well as a bugle player, and there were cadets guarding the cenotaph throughout the ceremony. Thank you to the Year Five students who represented our school in a respectful manner. Well done Year Five students and thank you Mrs Keen for accompanying our students.


On Wednesday morning we also had our DPS Anzac Day Service. Our Year Five students Anna, Chloe, Rey, Daniel, Harris, Ivy, Sophie, Mika, Alex and Khloe led the service and spoke about the courage and sacrifice of the soldiers who lost their lives in World War 1.


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.


We listened to the Last Post followed by a minute’s silence. Then the whole school sang the national anthem. Well done to our Year Five students who led the service and congratulations to all of the DPS students who participated so respectfully in our service. 





DPS have a Facebook page. If you’d like to see what’s happening at DPS and some excellent student work samples, please visit our Facebook page, follow us and leave a comment. Thanks to Mrs Meilak who uploads all of the content and takes care of our FB page. 


Free groceries: Eastern Food Rescue


Eastern Food Rescue (formerly Food is Free Mitcham) is an outdoor free access pantry for everyone, where locals can either donate goods or take things that they need. The primary goal is to divert food waste from landfill and feed it back into the community. 

Eastern Food Rescue collect donations from various local businesses to help keep the pantry full and also rely on community donations from neighbours. Regular donors include: Wendy’s Bakery (Mitcham), Mylk Bar (Mitcham) and Bakers Delight (Forest Hill).

There is no need to show ID, produce a concession card or be approved, ANYONE can attend and take the free food they have on offer.  Remember to take your own shopping bags.

Location: 8-12 Simla Street, Mitcham, 

Time: Accessible 24/7 but mini markets are 11:00am and 8:00pm Mon - Fri

Special Events: Free food market on Saturday and Sunday 11:30am at Antonio Park Primary School 




Kids Help - phone 1800 55 1800 

Parent Line - phone 13 22 89 

Headspace - phone 1800 650 890 

eSafety Commissioner - - Advice for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online 


Have a great week ahead DPS families,

Carly Epskamp