Principal's Report

Mr Jim Hill

Dear Parents and Friends,


Here at DPS we have had a great start to 2024 with increased enrolments which has caused some challenges, but all is going very well. Fortunately we increased the number of classes for the start of 2024. We welcomed eleven new students at the start of this term, but as our classes are a managable size we are well placed to bring new students into our school.

I need to mention our staff and acknowledge their efforts. I can not speak highly enough of our teachers and Education Support Staff. There is a strong sense of teamwork at DPS which goes a long way towards collaboration and that ultimately has a positive impact on our environment, our vibe and learning outcomes for students.


Our staff spend countless hours above and beyond teaching and learning time in class, preparing lessons, analysing data and on their own professional learning. A number of our staff are involved in coaching, professional learning courses and many forms of collaboration as we're continue to stive for excellence.


As I write our Grade 6 students are enjoy an amazing Canberra experience. They rose bright and early on Monday morning to meet at school at 5am! The bus took them to the aiport where they boarded the plane for Canberra. Each your our Grade 6's go to Canberra and this is always a highlight of their primary school years. On their return they will share their experiences and we will include photos and stories in upcoming newsletters. I am looking forward to hearing about the ANZAC Day dawn service they will attend tomorrow which will start with a 4am wake up call!!! This is one thing they will remember for many many years.


I would like to thank each member of our school council for signing up to being part of the governing body to guide our school. This is an important role that keeps the school on track as we work towards our goals and targets.


School Council President: Kelvin Wong

School Council Vice President: Jeff Fang


Parent Members - Kelvin Wong, Jeff Fang, Krystle Day, Deepak Ganga, Jim Fang, Fia Moraitis, Nadiah Smith, Aurellia Gonsillan, 

DET Members - Carly Epskamp, Natalie Pike, Niky Corfios, Jim Hill.



As you may know, I am on leave for the rest of Term 2. Carly Epskamp is acting Principal supported by Niky Corfios and Julia Bay who has been released from her teaching duties to focus on administrative tasks during my absence. Gareth Dutlow will cover 3B which means there will be no Performing Arts for the last eight weeks of term. We tried to find a relief teacher to no avail. By putting Gareth into 3B we have ensured stability and continuity of programs which will continue under the watchful eye of Julia.


We recently advertised for a Leading Teacher – “Wellbeing and Inclusion”. The successful applicant was Andrew Johnson who is already at DPS as a Grade 6 teacher. Andrew clearly displayed a strong commitment and capacity to promote wellbeing and inclusion at our school. The department of education have stated that all schools must have a Wellbeing leader by 2025.


Please note: Following discussions with a number of parents and given we communicate in real time via Compass feeds and Chronicles, Facebook, emails and the newsletter we will be reducing the frequency of our newsletter to twice per term.

After this newsletter we will publish a newlsetter each half term. One in week five and one in week ten. In each newsletter we will have a page for each year level and Specialist subject.


James Hill 
