Student of the Week

Award being presented: Easter Assembly on Thursday 28th March 

00ANomination 1:  Zoe - for consistently demonstrating our values of what it means to be a respectful, responsible, learner. Your kind heart and warm nature have brightened up Prep A! Keep shining Zoe! 
 Nomination 2: Vincent - for being a superstar writer in our phonogram sessions, I am so impressed with the effort you are putting into your work, consistently demonstrating what it means to be an amazing learner! Keep it up, Vincent!



Nomination 1: Harry - for being enthusiastic when learning our new phonograms. You are always the first person to have your handwriting lines ready to practise writing our new sound. Keep on being an amazing learner Harry, I am so proud of you! 
Nomination 2: Spencer - for being a kind and caring friend to all of us in Prep B. You are always the first person to check if someone is okay, offering company, a hug, or the occasional tissue. We are so lucky to have you in our class! 
00CNomination 1: Jamieson - for being a superstar learner when learning our phonograms. You always put so much effort into learning our new sounds. Keep up the awesome work!
Nomination 2: Bethany - for consistently displaying our school values. You are always respectful during floor time and remember to raise your hand when you’d like to share your ideas. Amazing work Bethany!
00DNomination 1: Chloe - for her fabulous effort when sounding and writing words using the phonograms we have learnt. I love that you have a go yourself and write them independently Chloe! You are a superstar!
Nomination 2: Oliver - for being a Maths Whiz! You work so confidently in our mathematics lessons and are able to quickly identify the different ways a number can be represented. Awesome Oliver!
1ANomination 1: Bodhi
Nomination 2: Claire





Nomination 1:  Sonia  - for your perseverance and growth with your phonograms. Your effort is wonderful to see. Well done!
Nomination 2: Bawi Tha - for being a responsible and respectful member of 1B. You always use kind words with your peers and are include others when learning and during play. 
1CNomination 1: Jovi - for an amazing writing piece! You blew me away with your incredible recount writing. Keep reaching for the stars! I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Harrison - for using his growth mindset when faced with challenges. You have been trying so hard with your work and this has not gone unnoticed. I am so proud of you! Well done and keep up the great work! 



Nomination 1: Elise - you have been nominated by your class members for always having a smile on your face. You light up our classroom and we are so lucky to have you. 
Nomination 2: Arya - for being a respectful member of our class and following adult directions. Keep up the great work. 
1ENomination 1: Emme - for her excellent effort in Maths. You give everything a go, ask questions when you need to and always have a positive attitude. Keep it up Emme.
Nomination 2: Zoe - for always being a respectful and responsible member of 1E. You always come into class ready to learn. You are such a kind, caring member of 1E. Well done Zoe!




Nomination 1: Chloe N - you have been nominated by 2A for being kind, very clever, hilarious, positive and a good person to have in the classroom. Well Done Chloe!
Nomination 2: Kento - for adding thoughtful insights into class discussions and asking questions when you are unsure. Keep up the great work! 



Nomination 1: Jimmy D
Nomination 2: Charlie - for reamining focused on his learning at all times. Keep it up
2CNomination 1: Jade D - nominated by her classmates for being a good friend with a fun sense of humour who always puts her best into her learning. Good luck at your new school. We will miss your happy face!
Nomination 2: Tha Lian Kim - nominated for the fantastic effort he always puts into all his learning. Your teachers love how you always take on board new ideas and give everything a  100% red-hot go!
2DNomination 1: Chloe C - nominated by her classmates for being a caring and funny friend who uses her creativity and concentration to be an excellent learner.
Nomination 2: Fraser G - for displaying a thirst for knowledge and an enthusiasm for learning. Your growing willingness to challenge yourself is wonderful to watch.



Nomination 1: Genevi - for ‘having a go’ at all learning tasks and working well on your own.  Your positive attitude has been so lovely to watch this term. 
Nomination 2: Clay for showing great leadership skills throughout the day. You talk to others with respect, complete your work to a high standard and set the standard high for being a responsible learner. 
3BNomination 1: Moses - for being such a responsible learner and working so hard to block out any distractions. You should be very proud of yourself!
Nomination 2: Halle - for being so kind and always thinking outside the box to give someone such a personalised compliment during our ‘warm fuzzies’ each week. We are so lucky to have you in 3B.



Nomination 1:  Pieris - for going above and beyond for our class/ school celebration of Harmony Day. It was awesome to see your respectful representation of culture and what Harmony day means to you.
Nomination 2: Charlie - for an incredible effort in NAPLAN. It has been fantastic to see you try your best as a LEARNER and get around your peers to celebrate all of your successes.
4ANomination 1: Will nominated by 4A for always being a good friend and showing good sportsmanship at recess and lunch. Keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Hayden for your wonderful work on your information poster all about Chinese New Year. You should be so proud of your efforts. Keep up the awesome work!
4BNomination 1: Felix - for his consistent dedication to his learning. You show a strong work ethic to everything you start and therefore finish displaying your personal best work. Well done!
Nomination 2: Jochebed - for showing her great skills as a writer. Not only is your story fun and engaging but you used the editing stage of the writing process to help you uplevel your work. Your published piece is wonderful!
5ANomination 1: Aadhi - for always having a positive attitude towards learning and school life in general. The personal standard you work to is very high and a wonderful trait to have.
Nomination 2: Maddie - for consistently demonstrating a growth mindset. You are always wanting to expand your understanding and to make sure you ‘get’ new ideas. Keep asking to keep growing!
5BNomination 1: Artin - for reading strongly and leading within his reading group.
Nomination 2: Ella - for always trying her best and being willing to help others.



Nomination 1: Stella - for putting in an incredible effort this term. I have loved your positive attitude toward learning and the kindness you spread in our class. Well done!
Nomination 2: All of 5C for a fabulous job completing Naplan. Your positive attitude and persistence was amazing.




Nomination 1: Chloe T - our class nomination for being an excellent all-rounder. You’re an asset to theclass!
Nomination 2: Harry M - for being a super star writer. Your description and detailreally capture the reader’s attention!
6BNomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 
6CNomination 1: Agnun - for being so focussed during our unit on Australian History.  Keep up the great work!
Nomination 2:   Beau M - for helping and supporting other students in the class.  You are a real star!



Nomination 1: Scott R (Prep B) - for counting 1,2,3 in Indonesian accurately and your learning spirit is incredible!
Nomination 2: Reid S (4B) - for your unbelievable creation of an Indonesian number poster from 0 to 108 without help! Keep it up, superstar! 
EALNomination 1: Cing Cing 6B - for presenting a beautifully written piece about her family tree. Congratulations and well done for completing some of this work in your own time
Nomination 2: Elizabeth 5A - for writing and presenting a wonderful piece about her family tree and for helping others. Well done.
Performing Arts Nomination 1: Jacob W 4A - for working hard to master the notes on the ukulele when playing Viva La Vida. You are playing like a rock star! Keep up the hard work.
Nomination 2: Samuel Q 2B - for displaying an eagerness and enthusiasm towards all of your learning. Your willingness to challenge yourself and share your knowledge with your peers is amazing.

Visual Arts 


Nomination 1: Rosie W (4B) for combining all of the elements of your self-portrait with great care and consideration to create an outstanding artwork.
Nomination 2:  Reid S (4B) for combining all of the elements of your self-portrait with great care and consideration to create an outstanding artwork.
Physical Education Nomination 1: Jovi G (1C) for her excellent overarm throwing and catching skills.
Nomination 2:  Cadence V (6A) for her fantastic defending while playing Softcross. You saved several goals!

Science & Technology



Nomination 1:  Leo Y - for consistently being an exceptional listener who follows all instructions perfectly!
Nomination 2:  Kim Kim - for making a fantastic “Great Shot” video with accurate framing and good sound quality.