This Week's Notes

Dear families and friends,
my final day at Cavendish PS has arrived. As with all big life decisions I am filled with trepidation and sadness for leaving you all but also with excitement for the future. Sadness comes from leaving behind a school and people who have played such a huge part in my life and excitement for what lies ahead. The comraderies and friendships I have formed especially within our staff is not taken for granted and a big reason for my staying 35 years at Cavendish PS. Not every school can boast such a wonderfully friendly and supportive work environment AND also lay claim to such lovely students!
It is not goodbye though because the nature of rural communities means we will still see each other at community events and around the town. Cavendish PS will always hold a special place in my heart and I will always champion our fantastic little school and community.
I look forward to following the new chapter of Cavendish Primary School's story.
Thank you to you all.
Miss P
Term 2 Acting Principal
We are delighted to announce that Mr Yashar Duyal has been appointed to the role of Acting Principal of Cavendish Primary School for Term 2. Yashar is currently an Assistant Principal in Melbourne and is very much looking forward to his move up to the area over the term break.
Thank you to Sally Purnell for undertaking the acting principal role in the latter half of 2023 and beginning of the 2024 school year. Sally's valued contribution as acting principal has allowed the school to continue to move forward.
Jo Amott | Acting Senior Education Improvement Leader | Wimmera South West
South Western Victoria Region
Department of Education
End of Term 1 - Start of Term 2
There was a 2:30pm dismissal today for the end of the term.
School resumes for Term 2 on Monday 15th April.
Thank you
Callie Leese and Marni Luhrs have stepped down from School Council and we would like to thank them for their time and contribution to the Committee and school. Both ladies have taken on new roles within the school : Callie as Parents Club President and Marni as our new Vegie Garden Coordinator. Thank you also to Claire for the enormous efforts in maintaining the garden over the past few years. Amazing efforts ladies and greatly appreciated.
Many thanks to Tim and Ben who spent last weekend doing odd jobs around the school in readiness for the Redgum Festival. Installing nesting boxes, leaf blowing, removing garden rubbish pile and cleaning bubblers were just a few. Everyone is welcome to come along and help with the 'big tidy' whenever you can find the time. The days before the festival would be ideal!
A big thank you to our leaving Education Support staff, Merryn and Carolyn. They stepped in to help in the Prep/1 classroom and make primary school a happy place for everyone concerned.
Good Friday Raffle
Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets to support the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Thank you to the Bridge Cafe who provided the first prize
The raffle was drawn this afternoon and the winners were:-
1st prize - Ivy Luhrs
2nd prize - Charlie Moerua
3rd prize - Heather Rout
4th prize - Keith Mackay
We also had three small prizes for our students and the winners were:-
Harry Newley, Emma Thomas and Jaxon Peters
Congratulations Indi
Indi Keymer-Newley completed at an Interschool horse showing event at Natimuk last weekend representing Cavendish Primary School. Indi had great success on the day with her pony, Cantik Park Silhouette, bringing home multiple ribbons and trophies. Congratulations on your achievement Indi, you did our school proud:-
*Led show pony ne14hh
*Champion interschool led pony
*Smartest on parade primary year 6 and under.
*Champion smartest on parade
*2nd ridden pony ne14hh
*Second rider years 4,5,6
*Reserve champion rider 4,5,6
*1st ridden show pony 12.2ne 14hh
*Champion pony ne 14hh
*Champion ridden interschool ridden pony
Have a happy and healthy Easter and term holiday.
Sally Purnell
Acting Principal