What's happening in our learning spaces? 


Leprechauns of the Week

FLWOliver - For making positive choices throughout the week by Listening to the Speaker and Following Directions. Keep up the positive mindset every day!  I am very proud of your efforts, Oliver!
FAMAurelia - For being a kind, caring and helpful member of Foundation AM. You are a wonderful friend to everyone and we appreciate you! 
1/2VKAxil - For demonstrating your Love of Learning, you continue to show your best work and persistence. Well done and keep it up Superstar!
1/2VBHarrison - For being a deep thinker during Inquiry learning. He made a creative connection between the learning assets and how to be a successful learner. Well done Harrison!
1/2VSAmelia - For being persistent and asking questions when investigating the different ways to represent numbers. You are a wonderful mathematician! Keep it up! 
3/4SHMadeline - For consistently trying her hardest, always being a fantastic role model and a great friend. Well done Maddie!
3/4BPLeon - For his willingness to help his peers and for being a reliable collaborator when learning with others. Well done Leon!
5/6BZScarlett - For being a curious thinker when writing a persuasive text about living in the country or city. Spectacular Scarlett!
5/6MCFrancesco - For being a focused learner when working through learning tasks and trying his hardest all week, well done Francesco!
5/6OSChloe - For developing positive self management skills and working hard independently to create interesting arguments for a persuasive text about Roller Skates. Clever Chloe!


This week in Foundation has been another busy one, filled with lots of amazing learning! 


As mathematicians, we have been continuing to consolidate our Number knowledge and skills. We have been focusing on representing numbers in different ways, ordering numbers and making collections of objects. As thinkers, we have also been practising our counting. We are working on counting backwards from 20 and are finding opportunities to count every day. Some of us went outside and created our own hopscotch from 0-20! Each learning space also read the story Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews and then made our own drawings using different amounts of black dots. We had balloons in the sky, flowers in the garden, butterflies, windows and wheels on cars and trains. Check out some of our creations below! 

We had time and opportunity to catch up with our buddies this week! As researchers, we learnt how to do some Irish Dancing. We had to listen carefullyfollow directions and collaborate with our buddies as we learnt and practised the different steps. We had so much fun and some of us even showcased our new skills at the school’s Community Day. Thank you Ms Sargent and the 5/6s for teaching us!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Community Day. It was great to see so many families! 


Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips & Alycia Marsico, 

Foundation Team

YEAR 1/2

We hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend last week. It was a bit of a taster before the school holidays which are just around the corner!


As members of the Catholic Faith, we have been engaged in stories and dialogue about Holy Week. In particular, we have been focusing on the scripture of the Last Supper as we will be hosting the ‘Holy Thursday’ liturgy. We have been practising prayers and songs in preparation.


The Year 1/2 liturgy will be on Tuesday 26th of March at 3:00pm, we hope that you will come and celebrate with us. 

As mathematicians, we have enjoyed practising our place value knowledge through games such as Last Number Standing and Guess My Number. We have continued to consolidate our number knowledge in place value by representing numbers in various ways on a ‘Thinkboard”.


It is encouraged that students practise counting at home for a few minutes everyday to build fluency and confidence. Year Ones - counting forwards and backwards by 1s at any starting point, to at least to 100. Skip counting by 2s, 5s & 10s, starting from 0. Year Twos - Skip counting by 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s, starting from any point.

As thinkers in Inquiry, we wrapped up our unit on Learning to Learn by drawing what we now think a learner looks like. We revisited the picture that we drew a few weeks ago to the same prompt. We talked about the differences in what we have learnt about being successful in learning and connected our thinking to our school learning assets. A key message that we have learnt is that learning can take place anywhere, at anytime and we can learn from anyone - including teaching something ourselves! 

Looking forward to another fantastic week in Year 1/2!


Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis

1/2 Team

YEAR 3/4

As persuasive writers, we have been learning all about how to convince our readers by structuring our writing, developing arguments and employing a variety of persuasive techniques. Our teachers have been very impressed with our efforts as we have argued for and against a number of different topics, such as ‘should we have home learning?’, ‘kids should learn how to cook!’ and ‘it is cruel to keep animals in cages’. 

As a people of faith, our Year 3 students have been preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday the 21st of March. Ahead of our Reconciliation, we have been learning about the four parts involved in the forgiveness of sin: 

  • Contrition: A sincere sorrow for having offended God, and a firm resolve not to repeat our sin.
  • Confession: Confronting our sins in a profound way to God by speaking them aloud to the priest.
  • Penance: An important part of our healing is the penance the priest gives us in reparation for our sins.
  • Absolution: The priest speaks the words by which we are reconciled to God and are absolved from our sins. 

Students and their families participated in our first online Reconciliation Workshop on Thursday evening to find out more about this. Thank you to Maria Forde for facilitating the session, and to all the families who attended.  Students reflected on their workshop by recording 3 things they learnt or heard, 2 wonderings they have and 1 thing they are looking forward to. Take a look!

We look forward to Thursday 21st of March at 7pm where our Year 3 students will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please be seated in Church by 6:50pm for a prompt start. 


As resilient learners, our Year 3 students have successfully completed their Writing and Reading NAPLAN assessments this week. They are poised to tackle their final assessments on Conventions of Language and Numeracy next week on Monday and Tuesday. We wish them the best of luck! 


Have a wonderful week!

Year 3/4 Teachers

Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan 

YEAR 5/6

In our Mathematical thinking, students engaged in renaming numbers. As a way of renaming whole large numbers students created different landmarks  using MAB blocks, they used hundreds, tens and ones. We then renamed our numbers we created using the place value system. 

Well done to all of the Year 5/6 Students with their amazing sportsmanship over the past couple of weeks when engaging in inter school sports. We are very proud of each and every one of you are your efforts, keep it up!

We had such a fun time spending the last hour on Friday with our Buddies, this is where we learnt the heel toe dance and the Rattlin Bog. We all had a wonderful time dancing with our buddies!

Amazing Assembly Miss Sargent’s class, we enjoyed spending time praying with you and learning the messages of St Patrick.  It was very fun learning a dance and getting to stand up and dance at the end of assembly! Thank you!


A reminder that 5/6MC will be holding our Assembly this week. This will be on Thursday, we look forward to seeing their learning.


Students will complete their NAPLAN Language Conventions and Numeracy tests this week.


The Year 5/6 Team, 

Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut 


Year 5/6OS students presented last Friday's assembly and led the students to participated in 'The Rattlin Bog', an Irish folk song to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.