Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.


Dear God, 

we thank you for your servant, Patrick, 

who taught the people of Ireland 

to turn from sin and follow your son, Jesus. 

This Lenten season helps us also to turn from our sins, 

and bring us closer into a relationship with you, 

Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Patrick's Mass

Last Friday our school leaders and year 5 representatives attended Saint Patrick's mass at St Patrick's cathedral.  The day began with a special celebration celebrated by Archbishop Peter Comensoli, with many schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne taking part in this event.  

Reconciliation Workshop:

Thank you to all our parents and carers who attended our online workshop last Thursday which was facilitated by Maria Forde. Throughout the evening Maria spoke about the importance of Reconciliation and how we as parents and educators can continue this journey with our children. 

Reconciliation Celebration:

The following children will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Sebastian A, Ava, Asha, Eva, Hunter, Thomas K, Eva K, Florence, Roderick, Isaac, Maria, Ella, Hannah, Thomas G, Veronica, Riley, Eva M, Ruby, Rafael, Sebastian S, Carlo, Akira, Orlando, Tess. The Reconciliation celebration will take place on: Thursday the 21st of Marchat 7.00pm at St Fidelis Church. 

Holy Week Liturgies: 

Holy Week, also known as Passion Week, is the week leading up to Easter Sunday and is a significant period in the Christian calendar. In order to celebrate this special event the children across from P-6 are preparing for these liturgies to be celebrated during Holy Week.  These celebrations will take place at St Fidelis Church on the following days:

  • Monday the 25th of March at 3.00pm Foundation will celebrate Palm Sunday.
  • Tuesday the 26th of March at 3.00pm Year 1/2 will celebrate Holy Thursday.
  • Wednesday the 27th of March at 2.45pm Year 3/4 will celebrate Good Friday and Year 5/6 will celebrate Easter Sunday.  

We invite all parents and carers to attend this significant event.

Icy Pole Fundraiser Last Friday 

Thank you to all the children who purchased an icy pole last Friday.  We raised a total of $120.00. This money will be donated to Project Compassion. We hope that your kind generosity will help us raise much needed funds for project compassion.

Casual clothes day - Thursday 28th March 

On Thursday the 28th of March, we will be holding a casual clothes day at school. On this day you can wear casual clothes and you are asked to donate a gold coin donation. All money donated will go towards Project Compassion. The social justice team together with your support aim to raise over $500.00. 

Xena & Thomas (social justice leaders)

Class Mass: 

On Tuesday 5/6OS and 5/6BZ will be attending Mass.  We invite parents and carers to attend this special celebration. 


Thank you and God Bless,

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader